
Third Trimester ????

This morning was my 28 week appointment and it had escaped me that was the "magic" point where appointments go from once a month to once every 2 weeks. It reminded me that while we have much under control, boy is there a still quite a list of things that need to be completed before the big day. We are planning on re-arranging the 3 rooms downstairs on Saturday morning. Once that is complete, we'll pack up and move my office to the room "formerly known as the dining room" and prepare Baby #2's room. The goal is to have all the rooms on the first floor taken on their new purpose by the end of March. Hopefully the vision in our mind works in reality.

We're hoping that things are less eventful around here this week. Last week, we had a surprise snowstorm that kept Daddy working late and Mommy had a fractured tooth pulled. Brooke battled a cough and cold all week and we finally gave in and took her to the Dr on Saturday morning. Brooke and Mommy are on the mend and there are clear days in the forecast for a while.

Brooke goes on a Nature walk at school last week before her cold got the best of her.


Happy Valentine's Day

Brooke has been making Valentine arts & craft projects for the last few weeks at school and has really gotten into Valentine's Day. She was very excited to go to school on Friday for her party. She loved opening her valentine cards(pictured above). The picture below is at the end of the night after a visit to Auntie Robin & Uncle Bobby's house - notice her new Valentine beads!


Brooke Fingerpaints

So the daycare kids are all getting bigger and Carol has been updating her curriculum to grow with them. Today they gave finger painting a try, apparently Brooke was not too sure about having this "stuff" all over her hands. At least Carol got her to wear her smock.


Six more weeks of WINTER - Are you kidding me?

Well, that was the sad word from the Groundhog on Monday and yesterday we got snow -AGAIN. We've had a busy few weeks since the last post. We inaugurated a new president, the man Brooke refers to as Barack "you"bama instead of Obama, but hey she is close. She got to spend an afternoon with Mike, Kim, and Baby Ryan while I bowled in the CSC league and everyone lived to tell about it.

Brooke caught the stomach bug that seems to be making the rounds and stayed home from school last Thursday and Friday. Thankfully for me and the washer and dryer she has made a complete recovery.

This has been a busy week at school, they colored Groundhog pictures, see Brooke proudly displaying her's above, and baked Valentine cupcakes. Her new favorite thing to do is read the newspaper, she loves the Stop & Shop ad and the comics.