
Kristen's First Halloween

Kristen's costume for Daycare Halloween Party on Friday

Halloween outfit for Homecoming

Trick or Treating as a Big Pink Flower


Just another day in Romanskiville

Brooke's idea for a photo - she got them all set up and then yells to me "Mom, come take our picture!" It is my "new" favorite


Kristen's Baptism

On Sunday, October 4th, Kristen was Baptized. Here she is with her parents and Godparents

A few days later we dressed her up again and took her out to the same spot where we photographed Brooke after her Baptism.


5 Months .......

Last Tuesday, Kristen was 5 months old .... in that 5 months she's been to Cape Cod, Walt Disney World, had her first plane ride, celebrated her Big Sister's 3rd birthday, started eating solid food, joined the daycare crew and been Baptized. So little, but so many happy times already..............