
Thanks Girls !!!

Brooke and Kristen,
You teach me something new every day and you fill our house with joy, love, laughter and chaos.  You are exhausting with your endless energy and questions.  You did not come easy or without work ..... we were being prepared for the patience that parenthood requires.  Some days I am overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that fall on my shoulders and then one of you smiles, giggles, hugs or delivers an unsolicited "Love you Mama" and at that moment it seems OK that we are taking the clean dishes out of the dishwasher, the clean clothes out of the laundry basket and that for the time being we can't find an empty spot on the kitchen counter.  There will be time for that later ......

Thanks for completing our family and filling it with pure, sweet, unconditional love!!!
You are my Two Little Amazing Miracles!!!!


Dear Sixteen Year Old Me ......

When I was sixteen, I worked , went to school, drove the cutest little red Chevette. Ever.  I spent as much free time by my grandmother's pool as I could.  I love the water and loved laying in the sun.  I'm not sixteen anymore.... and oh there are days when "if I knew then, what I know now"

Today, at least for now, the sun is shining beautifully.  The warmth from it feels amazing especially after the terrible winter we endured.  I'm constantly harping on the need for sunscreen ..... but this reminds me and made me want to share.   A classmate of Paul's was dead before 40 because of melanoma ... leaving behind his finacee, his parents, a nephew and a niece he never had the opportunity to meet.  When Tim died, I pressed Paul to have a particular spot on his back checked ........ my Mom and Sister joined in the campaign and finally he relented.  Guess what - it was not Melanoma, but it was the carcenoma 2 before it turns into that.  With a simple office visit it was gone -- but untreated --- who knows? 

That isn't the only person closely connected to me who's had a scare ... Dad, Paul, and Heidi

Take 5 minutes and watch the video by clicking on the link below.........oh and wear your sunscreen

Share with those you love, sixteen, thirty-six, or sixty-six ......... it could save a life !!!


Kristen is Two

Kristen Dominika ~ May 6 2009

Kristen Dominika ~ May 6, 2011


The Greatest Show on Earth

On April 29, we surprised the girls with a trip to the circus.  We only told them we were going on an "adventure" and it was killing Brooke.  She was full of ideas ... "Are going to Home Depot, cutting down trees, or are we going to Cape Cod????"  She was so non-stop with the guesses we encouraged her to take a nap in the car to rest - no such luck. 

We broke the news in the parking garage and the reaction was great.

We made the short walk from the garage to the arena and found our seats --- they gave us the perfect vantage point.  The show started at 3:00 and ended about 5:30 with a brief intermission.  It was such a fun afternoon and the girls are still talking about it.  Brooke said the circus was fantastic and we should go again. 
Daddy loved the tigers, Mommy's favorite part was the elephants, Kristen loved the horses, and Brooke had trouble deciding what she loved the most - she thinks the acrobats.  She told Paul he should be an acrobat -- I think he should stick to delivering packages from the Big Brown Truck -- I don't think the spandex outfits are really his style.

The captive audience