
And the sun came out and dried up all the rain.....

Sunday was Mother's Day and I had this brainy idea about 3 weeks before that we should host our families for an informal brunch on the porch.  I went to work immediately on the invites and got them in the mail, only had to chase a few RSVP's and we had almost 100% participation.   Sweet !!! 

Even with dance class, bowling, and some Romanskiville Rev 2 projects we were in pretty good shape for Sunday when I slipped out to the grocery store for the remaining supplies shortly after 8 pm on Saturday night.

The girls had decorated pots and I was out on the picnic table planting the pansies in them at 7:15 Sunday morning so they would be ready to present to each of our lady attendees.  I finished by 8 am and then started on the rest of my list - shower, dressed for church, girls ready for church, breakfast, make the soup & transfer it to the crock-pot and then get to church for 10 am ... NO problem, um, yeah right. The girls couldn't decide what they wanted for breakfast and when I got out of the shower it was raining, no, it was POURING.  I had envisioned this lovely afternoon on the porch, a light breeze blowing and the sun shining while we all enjoyed good food, wine and each other's company in the 750 square feet that I call my outdoor living room. Now it was pouring and we'd all be trapped inside .. OH JOY.   

The house wasn't clean for everyone to be inside, the soup was taking longer to throw together and I had to rush through hair and makeup.  Kristen wanted her "make-up" done and when I told her we didn't have time a meltdown followed. At some point I muttered "this was the dumbest idea ever"

The girls wanted me to read their cards and open gifts.  A simple bouquet of fresh flowers - in their favorite colors to remind me of them, a gift card to Longhorn Steakhouse and a freestanding Tiki torch that I had my eye on.  The girls were extremely proud of their choices and I was impressed by their thoughtfulness. 

I managed to get the soup simmering in the crock-pot, the girls in the car and pulled into the Church parking lot when the bells were ringing.  Brooke immediately announces "The bells are ringing - we're LATE" .. I thought to myself "You should just be impressed that we're actually here"

While I sat in my pew and listened intently to the sermon [my minister might read this post] something out the window caught my eye .... THE SUN ... it was shining. AMEN. 

After Service we quickly loaded back into the car and headed home for the final preparations.  A little before 12:30 our guests began to arrive and people rolled up their sleeves and helped with the final preparations.  The invitation had advertised that lunch would be served at 12:45 and we were pretty close.

We did end up on the porch and the sun did shine.  The breeze, well it wasn't exactly soft and more than one time we had to jump to chase napkins, plates and return flower pots to their upright position. 

Everyone helped to clean up and then the crowd started to disperse as folks made their way to their remaining destinations. 

I ended that part of the day, alone with my mom in the kitchen, she washed, I dried and put away. Just idle chit chat, but it was so nice to have that quiet little moment, just the two of us, especially since it was a long winter without her around. 

For a day that started out sort of shaky it ended up being rather enjoyable. People appreciated our efforts and we were surrounded by some of the most important people to us. It was a GOOD day. 

I look around at this house, those girls, and the man that is my Prince Charming and I think to myself ... "what a wonderful world"