
The Next Time

The next time I get an interview, I'm not telling anyone. OK, I'll tell Paul but that is probably it. 

The reason is because when you don't get the job .. you have to tell people. Tell them that you didn't get the job. It is a lot like when you had to tell them that you got laid off. 

You feel bad. They feel bad. They feel obligated to find some comforting words to offer, because they genuinely feel bad. They know you have so much to offer a new employer, how much you want to get back to work, and like you, they thought this was "the one".

Then to top off the day, you overhear your 8 year old daughter telling your husband "Mom didn't get the job, I'm so disappointed. I REALLY wanted her to get that job"  On one hand you're proud because she is so thoughtful and kind-hearted, just another example of how she is always putting others before herself. On the other hand you sort of feel like crap .. because her anxiety over the unknown could have been put to rest if you could have just gotten that job. 

On to the next round of emails, online profiles, updated resumes, and more networking. 

The next time I'm interviewing, I'm not telling anyone [but Paul]