

From the moment we sent Brooke out the door we believed that we were partners with her teacher. We've moved mountains to make sure we're at conferences, we're checking homework, and that we present a united front.

The girls had an awesome year - they experienced things that 2-3 years ago wouldn't have happened at their school. We are so fortunate, no, blessed really that they are enrolled in such an amazing school. We are so impressed by the dedication and work ethic of the staff ... they are unbelievably passionate.

We're better parents because their teachers take the time to keep us in the loop, answers questions when we ask and keep us all accountable.

Nothing gets my blood pressure up more than hearing a parent say "they are your problem from 9-3, after that they're mine" ... that is not how it works people .. well .. that might be how it works in some families .. but that strategy never, ever works well.