
In the Most Unexpected Places...

Yesterday, in Subway, I was fumbling for change when I heard "Did you know Grace?"

For a split second, I froze and thought "how did you know that?" Then I remembered my Gracelet sandwiched between my watch and my Fitbit. When we made eye contact, I smiled and quietly said "Grace was one of our babysitters" 

"Oh" she said softly. I asked if she knew Grace from school. She did.

I told her that I'm on my 3rd Gracelet, because when her mom sees that my words have worn off, she sneaks a new one my way. I told her how I can't throw my old ones away - that one is in my office at work and another on the emergency brake in my car. She smiled.

Then she made my change and told me to have a good day and we thanked her and left.

The whole thing was so unexpected that I didn't look to see if she had one on, been kicking myself for that one ... I would have parted with mine in a second so that she could have it.

I wished I had said something more reassuring or comforting to her. I think it must have been hard for her to ask me about something that, obviously, made her sad. I saw that familiar look in her eyes.

I'm so thankful for these Gracelets that so many of us wear. They allow for those chance meetings in the checkout line of the local fast food joint. Those opportunities to think of her and smile with a complete stranger. They are a
 visible reminder that with Grace we will carry on. 

She touched so many people, in so many ways and these thin bands of aqua circled around our wrists are a symbol that we are not alone.
