

8:37 pm. 

That's what time Paul got home from work tonight. Last night was 8:15 and the night before was 8:30. I think there was one night last week where he got home about 7:40. We aren't even close to "peak" season.

Brooke gets home from school around 3:40 and I grab Kristen with a minute or 2 to spare before 5. Homework, dinner, walk the dog, feed the dog, laundry, unpacking from everyone's day ... some nights there is dance, some nights a meeting, there is thirty-one work to do, and showers, prep for the next day. 

These super late nights were just something that happened occasionally until the beginning of September when Paul's start time changed. Now those 7:30 nights are a cause for celebration. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining .... I am very aware that there are a lot of women out there doing this single-handed, 24 x 7. Some of these women are my friends - I'm so impressed by their strength and determination but mostly their stamina!  I have a friend who sends her man out to sea for months at time. I'm so thankful that mine comes home every night. 

I'm grateful that he does the dishes and cleans the kitchen before he heads out in the morning. I love that he gets up at 6 am to spend 35 minutes working out with me in the gym that he built in our basement. My heart sings when the very first thing he does when he walks through the door is head to kiss the girls.

I can see they miss having him around at night. They text him for an ETA. They start to peek out the window as it gets close. They squeal with glee when they hear the front door open. 

This will get easier as they get older, they'll stay up later. They will be busier at night with work, school clubs, friends, and eventually they won't need us to chauffeur. 

For now, it is forcing us to pick and choose how we spend the precious little time we have together. It is so hard to balance and prioritize and sometimes we make unpopular decisions. People judge. People take your choices personally. People say you are selfish. 

About a year ago, Paul and I made a very conscious decision to make some changes - we were running ourselves ragged trying to make every event, accept every invitation and we weren't always focused on the four of us. 

The last year has been one of our best. We've been present for each other in ways we weren't before. Our kids are thriving. Our marriage is solid.

We got through one of the most hectic and crazy months I can remember - together. 

9:44 pm - He's just finished eating dinner .... in 20 minutes we'll head upstairs and get ready for bed ... because that 5:30 am alarm comes early