
The Accidental Advocate

Earlier tonight I attended part of a Board of Education meeting in our city and I spoke during the public comment portion. I'm sure that several people who have spent any amount of time around me the last year are not surprised by this at all. In my introduction I even described myself as "a passionate supporter and advocate for the Norwich Public Schools." 

Norwich is facing another budget crisis. The budget put forth by the Board of Ed will not be fully funded, 70 some odd teachers received pink slips ... it is more of the same. I can't remember a time when they got what they asked for...but we keep asking for too much, year after year.

If we keep doing the same thing ... we will continue to get the same result. 

The public comment portion was opened and a woman, an English language learner, made her way to the microphone. I think she said that 4 months ago she needed a translator wherever she went but now, with the help of her teachers, she was more independent. I was near the back of the room, people were still arriving, and she was soft spoken so it was hard for me to hear. When she finished - people clapped. Then it was my turn, I made my way to the table. I spent a LOT of time preparing what I wanted to say tonight - I was thoughtful and respectful. I asked them to be creative, brainstorm, OK .. at one point I might have "dared" them to do something .. maybe that was a little bold. 

I read from my notes slowly and deliberately so that it might sink in. I was feeling pretty good and then the Chairman said "Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to wrap it up"

Oh yikes .. I got the hook. I picked the most important highlights from my last couple of paragraphs and thanked them for their time.  I stood up and no one clapped .... bummer .. oh well what did Eleanor Roosevelt say?  "Well behaved women rarely make history" ... 

When I returned to my seat - someone turned around and told me that my words were well written and that I was "a smart woman". Another person sitting next to me, leaned over to tell me "that was very well thought out".  When I got home, someone sent me a note and said they wished they had some of my courage and my voice" ... who needs stinkin' applause .. I definitely did not do it for the applause. 

I'm not sure how this happened .. why I tortured myself going to budget forums and pouring over presentations and budget files and then agonizing over what I'd say in my short time with a captive audience. 

Earlier today I told a colleague if you told me 2 years ago that I would be speaking at public hearings and Board of Education meetings I would have laughed (rather hysterically) in your face. 

In all honestly, I might - sort of - know how this happened ... I totally got this from my dad.. the preparing my words, practicing, it is HIM. He would have been proud of me tonight .. my mom would have too. They are my courage.

In between jobs, I worked in two of the Norwich Public Schools for a few months --- it was EYE OPENING ... HOLY CRAP... it is UNBELIEVABLE what happens in a day. I met and worked with people who have become friends ... still today. I have turned into this advocate for education very accidentally. I do it for my girls ... but I do it for these amazingly skilled and talented teachers too. 

Want to read the uncut version of my letter?  Take a peek!

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