
Because our Kids Deserve It

Norwich Board of Ed - Public Comment - June 2016

As you may remember, I have 2 daughters that attend Moriarty Environmental Sciences Magnet School. The same school that was recognized, nationally, at the Magnet Schools of America Conference in May.

Tonight I share with you my concerns about decisions that are being made that I believe are counterproductive to its continued success. It is no secret that when the decision to transition to a Magnet School was made, I did not support it. Over the course of the last few years, I have seen some amazing changes and have grown into one of Moriarty’s strongest advocates.

Moriarty Environmental Science Magnet School was not a “start-up” Magnet, it has had to transition using the staff and the infrastructure they had. Clearly they are making it work and that is not only evident to parents and students but to educators in the field as well - hence a national award. The reason they are a success is because there is an intensely collaborative mindset that encompasses students, staff, administration and families. Spearheading this Magnet transition was Magnet Theme Coach, Erin Conley.  Sadly, Ms. Conley will not be returning in the Fall since the budget was not able to provide the funding for her position. It is unfortunate that she will be absent - she brought with her an extensive Magnet School teaching and planning background. She has authored and co-authored curricula that are being used across the state. She is a gem not only to Moriarty but to our entire district.

I am also extremely concerned about the proposals under review by our facilities review committee -- there are at least 2 options - that make no allowance for the continuation of either of our Magnet Schools. If we’re evaluating facilities, maybe this is an opportunity for us to make long range plans to move to an inter-district magnet program. Last month
I spoke about fiscal responsibility. If the Board continues to support the Magnet programs we have, they can potentially provide much needed revenue. Not only does this benefit our children, but could provide some relief to our over-stressed budget.

There are waiting lists for the 2 magnet schools in our district and we all know that when families are evaluating the town they will call home, the quality of the schools is a major factor. These programs boost the reputation of our city. I wonder why the administration and staff at both Moriarty and Wequonnoc were allowed to make this leap of faith investing their energy and efforts into developing these amazing and engaging programs if there was no plan to sustain them long term.  You cannot deny the large numbers of students leaving Norwich to attend Magnet schools in surrounding towns and that the business of education has become competitive.  It seems silly to let an opportunity slip by and not fully support the Magnets we have. Then we too can have students coming from other towns which will help to sustain our schools.

The students at Moriarty are learning by doing to be stewards of the world around them they know where food comes from, how important it is to recycle and how to be problem solvers. One of the most surprising things to me was how the infusion of a theme has not only changed our school, but it is changing many of our homes. My girls encourage our family to reduce and recycle. They encourage us to support our local farms and to think more about waste. Moriarty is training our future Scientists, Civil Engineers, Programmers, and Environmental Activists. They are making a STEM education interesting and exciting. They are changing the lives of the students AND families that are lucky enough to call Moriarty home. Please continue to honor and respect the commitment that the Board of Education made to this approach to education.

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