
Two of the Most Exceptional People I Know

On Saturday, November 27, we honored my parents at a surprise retirement party at the Groton Inn & Suites. It was the perfect celebration to honor them.  After 40 years of marriage and long and successful careers they are now getting ready to hit the open road and start "living the dream!"

I ended the formal part of the evening with the following tribute:

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I was going to say to all of you tonight about our parents. There is so much that could be said, they truly are 2 of the most exceptional people I know. I could talk about when my Mom first brought my Dad to a family gathering at her house and how her Mother was slightly annoyed. I could talk about my Dad’s tour of duty in the Army or my Mom having the distinction of being the first woman on an ambulance crew in Mystic. I could go on about how my dad worked all day long and then went to school at night to get his Associates’ Degree. I could talk about how while that was difficult for him to juggle and balance, that the person who sacrificed just as much if not more during that time was my Mom. While all that is quite impressive, it just didn’t seem like it was enough.

A few nights ago, I asked my husband what I should say about my parents here tonight. He barely thought before he answered simply “they always put everyone else first” - - - He was exactly right – whether it was coaching a team, leading a troop, devoting countless hours to the North Stonington Ambulance Association, teaching the babysitter course, acting as the Chairman of the School Building Committee, they always seemed to find the time when no one else did. Their lives have been committed to service.

I think if you asked my parents what their biggest accomplishment is, what the one thing they are most proud of is they wouldn’t mention any of those achievements I listed. I think they would say it was their family. They taught us to be honest, trust-worthy, generous, and thoughtful. To help out when you can, in whatever way you can. We learned by example that if you worked hard and did your best good things will come to you. My parents believe that a family is, above all other things, loyal to each other. A family supports each other in good times and during the struggles, that is what has been instilled in us.

My sister and I attend a church where every week the service starts with the proclamation “Whoever you are and where ever you are on life’s journey you are always welcome here.” That could easily be painted on a plaque and hung on the wall at 11 Mains Crossing Rd because that was the way my parents built their house - the house that built Heather, Heidi and David and all the other friends and family that were welcomed inside those walls.

I speak for our family when I say that we are privileged to call these two people Mom and Dad. Please join us in congratulating them on their distinguished careers and 40 years of marriage.


Brooke is Four

In September, Brooke turned 4.  We've seen a big change in her in the last few months - she is more independent, more confident, smarter and a little sassy. As Paul likes to say, "we really never experienced "the terrible two's" and "three is the 'new' two" but four, we'll I'm not so impressed."  While we all adjust to these personality changes, there is one thing we can't argue with.  She is SO pretty !!!!


The Newest American Girl Model

When I picked up Kristen from school today "Grammy" had put her hair up in pigtails and before I could say anything Carol looked and me and said "Kristen looks just like that little blonde Bitty Twin from American Girl" .... my thoughts exactly. 

Decide for yourself


Eighteen Months Old

Eighteen Months ALREADY ??????

Some how eighteen months have passed since Kristen arrived. At her checkup she weighed in at 25 lbs 13 oz and measured 35 inches tall.  She runs, climbs, tries so hard to carry on a conversation with you and recently took over the spoon. She is extremely proud of this latest skill.


Happy Halloween 2010

It was a little chilly here on Halloween, but the girls had a great time.  Brooke announced Monday morning that "Trick or Treating was AWESOME"

Kristen dressed as a little pink elephant - she is a true animal lover

We never did get get the trunk quite right .........

Brooke was a "Purple Pony Singer" - aka StarSong from My Little Pony

She was all attitude ............ working her poses


American Girl Adventure

In celebration of Brooke's 4th Birthday, we planned a special day at the American Girl store outside Boston when Paul was on his September vacation.  Gigi, Poppa, Mommy, Daddy and Brooke loaded up and made our way there.  Our first stop was Bitty Bear's Story Time, complete with tea and snack. Brooke and Bitty Baby had matching outfits and Bitty had her own special seat at the table.

We posed for a quick picture in the "Princess" Chair

Then we did some shopping before our lunch reservation in the American Girl Bistro.  Brooke was surprised with a special birthday cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday.

Brooke and Bitty Baby pose for a picture before we pack up and head home.


Brooke's Birthday Tea

This year was the first time Brooke ever had a party with just her friends.  Last Saturday we had a great afternoon with our neighbors, Ava and Abigail.  The girls really enjoyed the playhouse, playscape and played so well together.

Brooke was thrilled with her Barbie Cake

The Girls enjoyed cake and juice in the shade

Kristen tagged along for some fun, the girls were all very good with her.


That Day Changed Me ......

September 11, 2001

Do you remember where you were?  What you thought?

I was at the Data Center in Norwich, working, enjoying being lost in the distraction of email, trouble tickets and new account set ups.  Then someone came around the corner and made a statement that, at the time, seemed much like a scene right out of Chicken Little.
"A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center, they think it might be terrorism"
"I don't have time for the drama today." I thought to myself. "Not today."

I don't remember how I found out about the second tower.  I do remember that at that moment I knew it was NOT a freak accident and we were, for lack of a better description, under attack.

Then there was the Pentagon, the plane crash in a field in PA ..... when was it going to stop?  You couldn't get through to people on the phones, the circuits were overloaded, roads were shut down, planes were grounded.  We were crowded around the few TVs there were in the building hoping that there might be some explanation......there was none.

That Fall,  I went to our Corporate HQ and flew into Dulles International Airport.  You were not allowed out of your seat for the first 30 min and the last 30 min of the flight - NO EXCEPTIONS.  The plane was quieter than I was used to.  People were taking in the people around them, looking to the flight crew for assurance that we would be OK.  Two hours after I got off the plane and left the airport - it was closed - a suspicious object had been located and then confirmed it was not another threat.

My boss & I met for dinner and then before dropping me back at the hotel he asked if I had a few minutes to go for a ride, he wanted me to see The Pentagon.  As we got closer I could feel my chest tighten, the hair on my neck stand up, and a chill go down my spine.  There was a huge, gaping hole in the building.  In my memory, when I think about that night, its smoldering, I can't remember if it actually was.......but it was unnerving.

I was blessed not to have family or friends in those buildings or on those planes that day.  I think of Ruth and Julianna McCourt, wife and 4 year old daughter of David McCourt an ABCO owner and acquaintance of Dad's, from time to time.  They boarded a plane that morning without a care in the world and then their world forever stopped turning.

September 11, 2001 started like any other day and ended like no other. 
I was scared and I was shaken, but I was reminded how much I love our country.  It is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ....... the BRAVE. 

Since that day 9 years ago, I am stronger, more confident, more open, more loving and more aware that everything can change in a split second.

That day changed me............................... 


Brooke is FOUR

4 Years Old Already .....

We sang, blew out the candles and ate cake .....

We had a Princess Pinata

Opened presents

And took a minute to reflect on the day

Happy 4th Birthday Little Princess


Little Pink House - Live Footage

This is one of the most precious moments, Brooke was overcome with excitement when she discovered the playhouse in the yard.

Oh me, oh my ..... time sure does fly by!!!!

I was astounded when I logged onto Romanskiville and found that it has almost been TWO MONTHS since there has been an update ..... YIKES !!!
Work has been crazy, it was Hotter than HELL for most of July and August (seriously there were days when my brain was braising inside my skull), Moses (Paul's Mom) had surgery and was in the hospital for 10 days and then was moved to Rehab and we go visit every night .....
So there are all my excuses ....... legitimate or not .... they are just that, Excuses. Paul will tell you there is nothing he can't stand more than EXCUSES !!!!

So let's cut to the chase .... I just haven't had the time or the energy to be creative.

The one thing we have been doing is having a blast with the 2 little girls that put the twinkle in our eyes - they make us so happy (and frustrated and exhausted ... but mostly just happy!!)

Aren't they gorgeous ???

I do have some great videos - but I'm having trouble posting them with the new Blogger tool - so I have been trying to figure that out in all my spare time ... see, I didn't completely forget about our site!!!


Little Pink House

Paul & I bought the girls a playhouse last week and the delivery was scheduled for Friday. We called on the resident construction/site crew (Poppa, Uncle Steve and Uncle David) and on Thursday night they went to work. With the right equipment and know-how an hour and fifteen minutes later they had the foundation in place.

The house arrived this morning and fit perfectly on the area that was prepared.

Brooke kept running around saying "I love my house, I love my house" "My house is amazing, isn't it amazing??"

Poppa and the Girls enjoyed the view from the front door.



Today my heart is broken.

Earlier this morning, Todd Williamson passed away. He turned 30 a few short months ago and leaves behind a loving wife, a daughter and 10 month old son. Todd was from North Stonington, the town where I grew up, I did not know him personally. I knew of him and then of his cancer through Heidi & Steve. I am sad for Todd's wife and his children; that they now have to make a life without him. I am sad that this young woman is now a widow and single mother. I hear the defeat and grief in my sister and brother in laws' voices; they are trying to be strong. They have lost a friend, a co-worker, a buddy ..... someone with who they shared good times and supported when the road was all uphill.

Paul & I offer to help with Garrett & Olivia so Heidi & Steve can attend the wake & the funeral. It doesn't seem like much but it is the best we have to offer. It is silly to think that any words that we might muster today, will lessen the "punched in the gut" feeling they are challenged to handle.

I just finished reading a short story that chronicles the way a family deals with a sudden death. The father of the woman who has died is struggling to accept and try to understand. He speaks to his grandchildren's counselor and makes the following observation "It is clear, too, that she believes in God and that her God does not intercede in tragedies. ‘But he weeps for them'" This is the God in which I believe, it is that belief that helps me make it through the days like these. For me, it HAS to be this way .... God has to be sharing in the sorrow that is surrounding us now.

Cancer SUCKS.


Dance Recital

On our way to dress rehearsal - thanks Miss Carol for getting Brooke ready!!!

The Dancing Queen greets her admirers. Mommy & Daddy were so proud of her, she did great with her first stage debut. She wasn't too sure about the roses in the beginning, but now she shows them to anyone who will look at them. Auntie Robin says they are the first of many bouquets of roses for this little princess.

Gigi & Poppa came and enjoyed the show.

Moses came too.


Father's Day

We had a very enjoyable Father's Day. Some how I did not get the camera out at all so there is not ONE picture of the actual day. There are, however, no shortage of pictures with the girls and the special Fathers in our lives. Here's just a small collection.

Daddy's Girls


Uncle David

Uncle Steve

Uncle Bobby


Kids say the darndest things..... part II

When Paul was single he used to join some friends and their kids once a week for dinner. They had this tradition where they shared "Highs & Lows", in other words the best part of your day and the low point of your day. I decided to steal their idea and started the ritual last night. Read on for the transcript.....

Mommy: "Brooke, what was the best part of your day?"
Brooke: "I made the boo boo on Storm's head better"
Mommy: "That wasn't today, that was a few days ago. What was the best thing about today?"
Brooke: "I sure had fun on that business trip."

*** We just returned from 8 days in Orlando, business for me, fun for Brooke, Kristen, Gigi, and Poppa ***

Mommy: "That wasn't today either. Was the best part of today? eating lunch? playing with your friends? making your butterfly craft?"
Brooke: "Making the butterfly craft." Ah, finally we are getting somewhere
Mommy: "What was the worst part of your day? I bet I know, it was when you slipped on the rocks by the turtle pond and fell. Was that the worst part of today?
Brooke: "Yeah, that was the worst."

Ok, she is starting to get this ...... We talked about how fun it will be when Kristen can talk more and tell us about her best/worst parts of the day.

Mommy: "Now its Mommy's turn - what was the best part of Mommy's day"
Brooke:(before I even have a chance to contemplate)"When you picked me up - that was the best part of your day, Mommy!"

Hard to find a low after that .................


Kristen's One Year Photos

Our beautiful little girl is growing up!


Kristen on the Move

Kristen takes her Lion push toy for a walk. She'll be on that tricycle she got for her birthday in no time at all.


Dancing Queen

Brooke started dance class in September and after a few weeks really started to look forward to and enjoy it every Saturday morning. Here she is dressed and waiting for Daddy to say its time to leave.

A few stretches before heading off to class

In June there will be a recital and the costumes are in. A few weeks ago professional photos were taken a few weeks ago.
So. Grown. Up.