
Kristen's One Year Photos

Our beautiful little girl is growing up!


Kristen on the Move

Kristen takes her Lion push toy for a walk. She'll be on that tricycle she got for her birthday in no time at all.


Dancing Queen

Brooke started dance class in September and after a few weeks really started to look forward to and enjoy it every Saturday morning. Here she is dressed and waiting for Daddy to say its time to leave.

A few stretches before heading off to class

In June there will be a recital and the costumes are in. A few weeks ago professional photos were taken a few weeks ago.
So. Grown. Up.


Kristen on the Move

Kristen has been mobile for a long time but just really started crawling on her knees in the last few weeks.

She says "Hi" and pulls up on everything too!


One Year Ago Today

Kristen Dominika Romanski 7 lbs 19 inches 8:21 am May 6 2009

The day we brought her home.

The Birthday Girl before she left for daycare this morning


Kristen's 1st Birthday Cake - Live Footage

We sing Happy Birthday and Kristen tries to take it all in.

Kristen continues to enjoy her cake and shares with Auntie Robin.


Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Kristen's First Birthday on Sunday at a fabulous party hosted by Auntie Robin, Kristen's Godmother, and Uncle Bobby. The weather was perfect and Kristen really soaked up all the attention.

I decided to make Kris a special cake for her to enjoy all by herself. I did use a cake mix and ready made Wilton frosting, but I colored the pink and purple frosting myself and filled those stupid pastry bags on my own.

The girls looked adorable in their pretty party dresses!

Bob and Robin were gracious enough to host the party at their house and it was such an awesome time and a no stress event for me. They're the best friends and neighbors you could ask for!

The Birthday Girl (Thanks Auntie Robin for my Birthday Outfit !!)

Kris really enjoyed the CAKE !!!!