
American Girl Adventure

In celebration of Brooke's 4th Birthday, we planned a special day at the American Girl store outside Boston when Paul was on his September vacation.  Gigi, Poppa, Mommy, Daddy and Brooke loaded up and made our way there.  Our first stop was Bitty Bear's Story Time, complete with tea and snack. Brooke and Bitty Baby had matching outfits and Bitty had her own special seat at the table.

We posed for a quick picture in the "Princess" Chair

Then we did some shopping before our lunch reservation in the American Girl Bistro.  Brooke was surprised with a special birthday cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday.

Brooke and Bitty Baby pose for a picture before we pack up and head home.


Brooke's Birthday Tea

This year was the first time Brooke ever had a party with just her friends.  Last Saturday we had a great afternoon with our neighbors, Ava and Abigail.  The girls really enjoyed the playhouse, playscape and played so well together.

Brooke was thrilled with her Barbie Cake

The Girls enjoyed cake and juice in the shade

Kristen tagged along for some fun, the girls were all very good with her.


That Day Changed Me ......

September 11, 2001

Do you remember where you were?  What you thought?

I was at the Data Center in Norwich, working, enjoying being lost in the distraction of email, trouble tickets and new account set ups.  Then someone came around the corner and made a statement that, at the time, seemed much like a scene right out of Chicken Little.
"A plane has crashed into the World Trade Center, they think it might be terrorism"
"I don't have time for the drama today." I thought to myself. "Not today."

I don't remember how I found out about the second tower.  I do remember that at that moment I knew it was NOT a freak accident and we were, for lack of a better description, under attack.

Then there was the Pentagon, the plane crash in a field in PA ..... when was it going to stop?  You couldn't get through to people on the phones, the circuits were overloaded, roads were shut down, planes were grounded.  We were crowded around the few TVs there were in the building hoping that there might be some explanation......there was none.

That Fall,  I went to our Corporate HQ and flew into Dulles International Airport.  You were not allowed out of your seat for the first 30 min and the last 30 min of the flight - NO EXCEPTIONS.  The plane was quieter than I was used to.  People were taking in the people around them, looking to the flight crew for assurance that we would be OK.  Two hours after I got off the plane and left the airport - it was closed - a suspicious object had been located and then confirmed it was not another threat.

My boss & I met for dinner and then before dropping me back at the hotel he asked if I had a few minutes to go for a ride, he wanted me to see The Pentagon.  As we got closer I could feel my chest tighten, the hair on my neck stand up, and a chill go down my spine.  There was a huge, gaping hole in the building.  In my memory, when I think about that night, its smoldering, I can't remember if it actually was.......but it was unnerving.

I was blessed not to have family or friends in those buildings or on those planes that day.  I think of Ruth and Julianna McCourt, wife and 4 year old daughter of David McCourt an ABCO owner and acquaintance of Dad's, from time to time.  They boarded a plane that morning without a care in the world and then their world forever stopped turning.

September 11, 2001 started like any other day and ended like no other. 
I was scared and I was shaken, but I was reminded how much I love our country.  It is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave ....... the BRAVE. 

Since that day 9 years ago, I am stronger, more confident, more open, more loving and more aware that everything can change in a split second.

That day changed me............................... 


Brooke is FOUR

4 Years Old Already .....

We sang, blew out the candles and ate cake .....

We had a Princess Pinata

Opened presents

And took a minute to reflect on the day

Happy 4th Birthday Little Princess


Little Pink House - Live Footage

This is one of the most precious moments, Brooke was overcome with excitement when she discovered the playhouse in the yard.

Oh me, oh my ..... time sure does fly by!!!!

I was astounded when I logged onto Romanskiville and found that it has almost been TWO MONTHS since there has been an update ..... YIKES !!!
Work has been crazy, it was Hotter than HELL for most of July and August (seriously there were days when my brain was braising inside my skull), Moses (Paul's Mom) had surgery and was in the hospital for 10 days and then was moved to Rehab and we go visit every night .....
So there are all my excuses ....... legitimate or not .... they are just that, Excuses. Paul will tell you there is nothing he can't stand more than EXCUSES !!!!

So let's cut to the chase .... I just haven't had the time or the energy to be creative.

The one thing we have been doing is having a blast with the 2 little girls that put the twinkle in our eyes - they make us so happy (and frustrated and exhausted ... but mostly just happy!!)

Aren't they gorgeous ???

I do have some great videos - but I'm having trouble posting them with the new Blogger tool - so I have been trying to figure that out in all my spare time ... see, I didn't completely forget about our site!!!