
What if ...

In less than 2 hours, Brooke is getting on the bus and heading to Kindergarten.  UGH! There has been a lot of excitement in our house for this big day - it was supposed to be last Wednesday but thanks to Hurricane Irene, here we are.  The wind howling and maybe some thunder woke me about 3 am ... as I laid there trying to fall back to sleep ... I remembered I hadn't pinned Brooke's bus pass to her backpack.  Then I thought --- does she know what to do when she gets on the bus - will she quickly pick a seat and slide in? What if no one sits with her? What IF someone sits with her? What if there are no empty seats and she has to sit with someone she doesn't know yet - will she sit? When she gets to school - how will she know who Mrs. Bosse (her teacher) is? where her rooom is? how will she know where to put her coat? I did eventually dose back off .... but man it has been a long night.  Now the grown-ups in the house are showered and dressed and the girls are about to get up and start their days .... here we go !!!

Brooke is so excited to for school and to celebrate her birthday with her new friends at Ms. Jeanne's house this afternoon. She is ready and will be fine.  Her parents on the other hand, well that remains to be seen. 

I'm still trying to figure out where the last 5 years went ?????

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