
Kindergarten 101

It is a little hard to keep up with things around Romanskiville these days.  Packing bags for daycare, school, making dinner, getting to dance class and oh yeah, there's WORK !!! Brooke starting school was actually a really good thing for us.  It totally "up'd the ante" on time management and being religious about an evening routine.  We seemed to be firing on all cylinders until last week ....

Monday was school picture day.  I reviewed, completed and included payment made out to Lifetouch as the instructions stated.  Brooke choose to wear a navy jumper and not the tan, I even ironed her little cotton light blue blouse ... I HATE ironing ... but she looked adorable with her little lace ruffled socks and school shoes.  I reminded Brooke that she had an order from in her backpack and to remember to take it when it was time.  She asked if she could wear the new shirt she received for her birthday from Aunt Judy a few days earlier and I reminded her it was a school day and she needed to wear a uniform.  Off she went.  Later that day I arrived at daycare to pick her up.  I asked how pictures went and she says "All the other kids had on different clothes" ..... "CRAP " I thought .... I knew that I should have asked someone.  She had already been written up on the 3rd day of school for wearing sandals ... how was I supposed to know? She is in Kindergarten and she is my "first" ... the paperwork said nothing about deviating from the dress code and there had been the issue with the sandals ....

Tuesday night while I am emptying her backpack I find a notice from the Cafeteria that she owes a $1.00 .... how can she owe $$$ she is in HALF DAY Kindergarten and she eats a snack (that I pack in the morning) in her classroom .... how can she owe money??? Did anyone tell her that you have to PAY FOR THAT STUFF if she did actually take what IS available for purchase or does she just think it is a buffet???? I thought that was all sorted out and then I got a automated phone call from the Cafeteria tonight .... still looking for the buck ... AHHHHH !!! Score one for the Food Service Office, I give up and I'm paying the flipping dollar.

My third strike occurred on Wednesday, yep batting a 1000 I was.  Packed the usual healthy snack that morning - part skim mozzarella string cheese, yogurt and 100% juice drink box.  We are chatting about the day while I'm cleaning up from dinner and another blow .... "Mom, you didn't give me a spoon in my lunchbox.  I couldn't eat my yogurt, but I ate my string cheese and drank my juice.  I ate a BIG lunch when I got to Jeanne's house"  Apparently, she did not mention to her teacher that she was missing a spoon, I am certain she would have been able to solve Brooke's dilemma.

I was on the receiving end of that face more than once last week.  I wonder what this week will bring????

1 comment:

The Skinners said...

Unfortunately, you will have more days like this in the future. As soon as I think I have this parent thing worked out, I get humbled again and again.
On the bright side, as you meet other parents, you will realize that you have it WAY more together than you thought you did. And in the end, Brooke knows that you have her back, and she will learn that is really what's important, and not what she's wearing on her feet.
Keep smiling, and drink a little wine ... hugs!