
A Moment of Silence

And we are silent ......


- Charlotte Bacon

- Daniel Barden

- Rachel Davino

- Olivia Engel

- Josephine Gay

- Ana M. Marquez-Greene

- Dylan Hockley

- Dawn Hochsprung

- Madeleine F. Hsu

- Catherine V. Hubbard

- Chase Kowalski

- Jesse Lewis

- James Mattioli

- Grace McDonnell

- Anne Marie Murphy

- Emilie Parker

- Jack Pinto

- Noah Pozner

- Caroline Previdi

- Jessica Rekos

- Avielle Richman

- Lauren Rousseau

- Mary Sherlach

- Victoria Soto

- Benjamin Wheeler

- Allison N. Wyatt

May you sleep in heavenly peace.


If I could only tell her ...

So it is BEYOND crazy in Romanskiville, especially this week.  We are trying to move as much as we can into the new house before the inspection for our CO on Friday.  I also have an installation appointment with with AT&T for Friday as well - third times the charm - right?  Sunday is the Christmas Story skit at church, then Romanski Family Christmas in Colchester and back to Norwich for the bowling Xmas party at 5.   I am not sure who I have gifts for and where I am lacking.  I ordered our Christmas card this morning and I'm printing the Christmas letter now .... see, told you - CRAZINESS

On Tuesday, I picked up Brooke at daycare and she ran out of the playroom and said "Mom, you didn't pack me a snack" it took me a minute to realize she was not talking about the snack I bring for her to eat on the way to dance .. she meant her snack for school.  CRAP ... I totally forgot that morning.  

I might have mentioned we're living in a state of confusion these days.

Yesterday, I am greeted with "Mom, you forgot to put my library book in my backpack -today was library"

OK, so the child is "only" in first grade but doesn't she have SOME responsibility here -- would it be to much to ask for her to mention on Tuesday night that she needs help locating her library book?

What I really want to say to her is "last week 20 little kids, most of who are the same age as you and in first grade didn't come home from school - 11 days before Christmas.  I want to tell her that every time I see an article about Newtown in the paper or on the home page of MSN or I get a text from the local news, I can't catch my breath.  I start to imagine the pain and suffering of planning your first grader's funeral and the pile of gifts that will never be received.  There are times when I am moved to tears. I want to tell her that only having the "healthy snack" one afternoon won't kill her and that we have lots of other books to read until she goes back the school library on Jan 2" 

OF COURSE, I won't say any of this to her.  I will fall on my sword and tell her jokingly that I am "the meanest Mommy ever", she'll smile and say that I'm not and we'll go on about our business.  I mean it IS days away from Christmas and Santa is coming to fill up the bare space under the tree. As far as my girls know, all is right with the world and there is only love and joy.  

For now, we continue to protect them from much of the evil in our world.  We are giving out more hugs and kisses, we are acting a little sillier then usual and we are going on. It is all we can really do ....


I am thankful ....

For most of the month of November, I posted here on Romanskiville almost daily something I was thankful for.  At the end of the month things started to get a little crazy around here and I never got to sit and write about #29 and #30. I had them all planned out too ... #29 was the girls and #30 was Paul.  

#29 - I am thankful for my girls, Brooke Tetlow and Kristen Dominika

They fill our house with wonder, excitement, innocence, and unconditional love.  They did not come easily or without work.  I appreciate the boundless energy and never ending questions, even when there are times when I seem to be out of patience with them.

Their pretty smiles and bright eyes can turn my day around in a flash.  The love they have for their extended family and the excitement that overflows when they know they will be spending time with them - fills my heart with pride.  We are blessed with these 2 beautiful, loving, generous, kind, thoughtful little girls.  I am thankful for every day we share with them.

#30 - I am thankful for my husband, Paul

Through thick and thin, good times and bad, he is there .. a steady, constant presence.  We are not just husband and wife, but friends  ... he appreciates my cooking and my job - even though I am pretty sure he doesn't really understand what I do.  He is the best daddy my girls could have and he provides for us both tangible and intangible.  We were not High School Sweethearts or first loves, but we eventually followed the broken road and ended up here, in Romanskiville, building our 'happily ever after'  and let me tell you, he is my dream come true.

#29 - I am thankful for my girls, Brooke Tetlow and Kristen Dominika

#30 - I am thankful for my husband, Paul


We're Rednecks and we're NOT leaving

By now,  many of you have heard that earlier this week we received a Christmas Card addressed only to Paul that read 
"Perhaps your 'red-neck' neighbor with his offensive Santa was encouraged by your 'red-neck' blvd sign. Thanks a lot! 
Your Neighbors" 

No return address, no name to me translates to "no guts"

Sometime ago we were gifted with our "Red Neck Blvd" sign. The house across the street is a rental & it is a revolving door. The couple that lives there now has a GIGANTIC Santa cut out with his pants around his ankles, showing his boxer shorts pasted to their front door. It probably wouldn't be a decoration I would choose for my house ... but whatever

Today I am home with the girls, we're all sick.  Shortly before 3 a car pulls into the end of my driveway, the passenger door opens and someone yells something I can't quite make out.  Instinctively, I look at the sign.  It is still there unharmed.  Brooke from the dining room asks me "Why were they yelling about the sign?"  She swears she heard them say something about putting up a sign.  I'm not sure, it all happened so fast, I wasn't quite sure.  Then my mind shot to the card .... coincidence? related? I'm not sure ... but today they scared my kids and joke or not .. that is NOT COOL. 

Here's the letter I'll be delivering to as many people in the neighborhood that I can. You can mess with me but don't screw with my kids.  Do. Not. Do. It.

Dear Neighbor,

My Husband, Paul, and I live at 297 Scotland Road with our two young daughters.  On Wednesday, December 5 we received a Christmas card addressed only to my husband with a personal message implying that the “Red Neck Blvd” sign at the end of our driveway was responsible for other decorations that did not meet the sender’s standards in the neighborhood.  

Today, Friday, I was at home with my girls (ages 6 and 3) who were too ill to attend school.  In the late afternoon, a car pulled into the end of my driveway; the passenger opened the car door and began yelling in the direction of my home.  My oldest daughter was immediately frightened and asked me “why are they yelling something about the sign?”

The card that arrived in Wednesday’s USPS delivery had no return address and a generic signature.  I respect that not everyone in our neighborhood can find and appreciate the humor in our sign, however, today’s event whether related to the card or not crossed a line.  This is our home - where we are raising our children.  My children were scared. That is Unacceptable.

As a fellow resident of Scotland Road, I am asking for your help.  If you know who is responsible for sending the card or who is responsible for the incident this afternoon please do something.  Reach out to us, to them, or to the Norwich Police Department.  I have included a copy of the envelope and card for reference.

In just a short time this afternoon, I have talked with my neighbors who are physically close to me and asked them to be extra vigilant in looking for and reporting suspicious activity in our neighborhood. I cannot thank them enough for their support. I hope you’ll support us too.

You can reach us at our home on Scotland Road or via the phone (860.823.1516) should you have any information you’d like to share. 

While this “noise” is distracting, Paul and I are determined to push it aside and make for a very Merry Christmas in our new home.  We wish you and your family the Happiest of Holidays.