
Dream a little dream ....

It was nice here today, it is finally starting to warm up.  When I picked up the girls they immediately asked "Can we play outside?" 

They quickly changed into play clothes and were out the front door and on their "tree house". I made a cup of coffee, grabbed my book and headed out to supervise from my rocking chair on the porch with Bradley at my feet.

The girls played on the swings, went up and down the slide and pretended they were performing for Adam, Usher, Blake and Shakira on The Voice.  The picnic table was their stage.  The sun was shining brightly and I soaked up the heat from the rays while I rocked away.   

Glancing up to check on the girls, I looked out into the yard from the porch of my beautiful new home and took it all in .... I still, today, cannot believe all of this is mine.

It took longer than we thought, cost more than we planned, but it is a real, live dream come true.  I'll never give up on another dream again.


Run Forrest, RUN

I've been contemplating starting to run again ... I used to run about 11 years ago.  I considered myself a runner back then, I even competed in some 5K races.  

I started running because it was a much needed distraction .. my marriage was ending and at times it was down right ugly.  My brother was enjoying some serious success as a HS Cross Country runner. I moved back home, into the basement and his treadmill was conveniently located in the space that served as my "room".   Running was hard for me, I was not a natural, I was not an athlete, I was not even really in shape.  I got on that treadmill more days than not and I ran when my lungs screamed and shins burned .... I ran because it was quiet. David would walk by me and shout encouragement .. OK encouragement might not be exactly what you would call it, it was more like "Pick your head up", "You can go faster than THAT!", "tuck your elbows in" or "Is that YOUR BEST - REALLY???"  Seriously, there were times I am certain I wanted to punch him in the face but it worked.   

Through all that, I got better.  I was packing running clothes in a gym bag and leaving it in the car and fitting in runs after work or before meeting a friend for dinner. There were days when David, Dad and I would go to the track .. Dad would walk and time me. David would run and, ya know, encourage me as he passed me time and time again.  My Mom convinced me to run in my first race. Looking back on all this now I realize that running was a lot more than a physical workout for me.  It reconnected me to my family, it made me mentally stronger and more confident.  Running gave me something that was mine and mine alone at a time when there was a huge lack of control. 

Life goes on and you get busy.  There was a move, a wedding, a baby girl, a baby girl who didn't sleep much, work, another baby girl who didn't sleep,  blah, blah, blah ... pretty soon you are right back to where you started and you can barely walk fast on the treadmill never mind run 3.1 miles.  

I've been working hard these last few months to get fit.  I wanted to drop some weight but more than that, be active, walk, stretch, get stronger.  A handful of my  friends at work are focusing on their own physical fitness. I see posts on Facebook with miles run, points earned and one day I thought "Hmmm, wonder if I could start running again?"  I asked myself quietly, thoughtfully considering starting up again.  Every now and then I allowed myself to think I was crazy I'm 40, out of shape, and have a bum knee, bum knees.  Running takes commitment and I had to be willing to make it, I was wavering ... maybe, maybe not until ....

April 15, 2013 ... I, like most, sat horrified as I watch the explosions at the finish line in Boston replay over and over again.  People clawing thru the rubble, blood stained sidewalks, people who had trained and trained and trained get stopped mid race, some at mile 25 .. TWENTY FIVE.  I read lots of moving tributes where people vowed to return next year, where people flew home the next day and ran another 26.2, people dedicating every mile they ran "To Boston".  

That was the day I decided I was going to run again but it took me until 2 days ago to say it outloud.  I downloaded an app to my phone and selected the "Train for a 5K" program and I hit the streets ... just fast paced walking but I was OUT there and then again yesterday morning, a half mile more than the day before with actual periods of running (okay, jogging.) 

Now I've said it outloud and have a whole host of people who are gonna hold me accountable.  There will be days when I would rather nap or watch TV, encourage me.  If you see me, ask me if I ran and if I make excuses, call me out. 

There you have it, I've laced up my sneaks and I'm running again. I'm training for a 5K ... anyone wanna run with me?