
Dream a little dream ....

It was nice here today, it is finally starting to warm up.  When I picked up the girls they immediately asked "Can we play outside?" 

They quickly changed into play clothes and were out the front door and on their "tree house". I made a cup of coffee, grabbed my book and headed out to supervise from my rocking chair on the porch with Bradley at my feet.

The girls played on the swings, went up and down the slide and pretended they were performing for Adam, Usher, Blake and Shakira on The Voice.  The picnic table was their stage.  The sun was shining brightly and I soaked up the heat from the rays while I rocked away.   

Glancing up to check on the girls, I looked out into the yard from the porch of my beautiful new home and took it all in .... I still, today, cannot believe all of this is mine.

It took longer than we thought, cost more than we planned, but it is a real, live dream come true.  I'll never give up on another dream again.

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