
First Day of School

Today was the first day of school in Norwich ... funny it seems like it was not that long ago that it was the last day of First Grade!

We had some teary moments the last few days in Romanskiville from our would be 2nd grader.  "I'm just soooo nervous"  I tried ignoring it, I tried acknowledging it, I tried "are you kidding me -- you run that place .. you are going into SECOND grade" .. all without much success.

We have a routine on the first day in our house ... we both, Paul and I, go to Jeanne's and we load up the driveway with all the little kids for pictures and good-byes.  

Here is this year's class

Here's our full time Preschooler and our Second Grader

After a few tears while we were loading into cars to head to Jeanne's house we arrived and Brooke settled right in.  Wondering about this and guessing about that ... then Jeanne heard the bus coming and they were off down the driveway.

Both Jeanne and Brooke seemed relieved when the door opened and it was our dear Ms. Sharon driving the bus. "Welcome Back, Brooke!" as she got near the door and then, in the blink of an eye she was gone ...

At least this year, at the very last moment, Brooke turned to look out the window at the 3 adults wildly waving good-bye and waved back.

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