
Happy Thanksgiving


I started of "Thirty Days of Thanks" with a bang. I inspired others with that first post. I haven't written since then. Some stuff happened. 

Our schedule got a little jacked up -- the girls had these crazy school and after school activities schedules, someone on my team fell and broke a rib and was out of work for SEVEN DAYS, I took this class that met 4 times complete with HOMEWORK, I started working a part-time catering job and my Thirty-one business exploded. All good things, but things that wore me out.

I'm a firm believer that there is no expiration on gratitude -- which is why you sometimes get a thank note from me months after the gift. I hope that it still makes you feel appreciated. 

So, here's a bit of a catch-up list that gets me caught up through today!

#2 - I am thankful for a reliable car. When I put the key in the ignition, it goes.

#3 - I am thankful for our zero-turn mower with the bagger. I am grateful how it makes it easier to do Fall cleanup in our yard. 

#4 - I am thankful hot, creamy French vanilla coffee.

#5 - I am thankful that I was able to travel to Europe this summer with my mom and my daughter. I will forever treasure those memories

#6 - I am thankful for my Thirty-one business. I have the most amazing group of loyal supporters. 

#7 - I am thankful for Saturday morning walks with a good friend. Not only is it 3.5 miles of good exercise, but it is also 1 hour the best conversation.

#8 - I am thankful for the right to vote. 

#9 - I am thankful for the team - my podiatrist and physical therapists - who helped me heal my debilitating foot pain. I can now appreciate how mentally crippling pain is and how liberating it is when it subsides.

#10 - I am thankful for Central AC. 

#11 - I am thankful for friends who loan you their extra window ACs when your central AC craps out - in a record-breaking heat wave!

#12 - I am thankful for my Inner Circle Family. I never imagined how impactful that you would all be. The personal and professional growth I've achieved the last year isn't possible without your wisdom, love, encouragement and accountability.

#13 - I am thankful for heat and hot water. At my fingertips, consistently. 

#14 - I am thankful that we've been able to build our addition and attached garage. 

#15 - I am thankful that I can open my garage door from my smartphone - something I was certain I wouldn't need and now don't want to live without.

#16 - I am thankful for my Sunday night bowling crew. This has been such a constant in my life and it has so little to do with the actual sport. I am grateful for my team who makes me laugh so hard every week!

#17 - I am thankful for friends who are easy to share a hotel room with.

#18 - I am thankful for family time watching TV.

#19 - I am thankful that my kids friends like to come to our house. 

#20 - I am thankful that we converted our swimming pool from chlorine to salt.

#21 - I am thankful for my Apple watch and the ability to use it to find my phone.

#22 - I am thankful for my student employees - this current group restores my faith in the future. 

#23 - I am thankful for the day before Thanksgiving off with pay!

#24 - I am thankful that my parents are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner.


30 Days of Thanks


#1 - I am thankful for funding for middle school sports. 

Middle school started off rough for Kristen. She started 6th grade in a new school in September of 2020. She got off the bus, went to a classroom and sat there for her entire day. She had every class there, ate her lunch there, even had gym ... in that little classroom. She was with the same kids All. Day. LONG. Let's just say, they weren't the best influence. 

Thanks to some grant money, sports were added back in for the 7th grade year. I signed her up for the cross-country team (I mean, you know who her uncle is - don't you? A high school All-American runner) she came home the 2nd day of practice and said -"I'm on the soccer team. I need cleats" 

She had something to look forward to at the end of her day. She met new friends in other grades and enjoyed playing. She'll tell you -- they were not great that first year. However, every game, they were a little better than the game before. They encouraged each other, they held each other accountable, they celebrated each other. 

She just finished her middle school soccer career with a celebration for the team this afternoon. Kristen was named "Offensive Player of the Year" and recognized for scoring 3 goals in one game. Soccer gave her something that was missing, and I'll be forever grateful. Also --- you sure do run a lot in a soccer game, and you can't get lost in the woods. 

#1 - I am thankful for funding for middle school sports.