
Dugas - D'atri - Romanski Picnic

On July 11th we had a wonderful day with the Dugas and D'atri Families. We spent the afternoon and well on into the evening at Rob, Erika and Sammi's house in Colchester. The weather was great and the food was plentiful and delicious. Notice that Brooke has a plate full of watermelon and a few red peppers and cucumbers. I don't think she ever had a burger or a hot dog that day but I am pretty sure she ate HALF a watermelon.

Brooke had her first slip and slide experience (thanks to Sammi for letting her borrow a bathing suit) and she didn't quite understand the concept. She enjoyed the pool at the end of the slip and slide so much that we filled up Sammi's little pool and the girls splashed in there for a good part of the afternoon. Ryan got in on the slip and slide action too!

Kristen ate and then snoozed in her little portable tent - we LOVE that thing.

Thanks again to Rob, Erika & Sammi for hosting such a fun day. We all had such a GREAT time. Brooke played so hard that we were not even on Route 2 before she had crashed.

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