Last year we really worked hard to make the gardens around the front of the house look nice and flourish. They did and we really enjoyed them. The local deer community enjoyed them as well and in 2 nights chomped up everything. This year we decided to try again and I asked the greenhouse staff for suggestions on plants that were less appealing to my four footed friends. Brooke was really excited to have a garden and was so thrilled when I finally got it planted. Every time you drive in the driveway she says "Look at our beautiful garden" just hearing that makes all the digging, weeding, watering and backaches worth it. She loves to be outside and she has a lot of outdoor toys but truth be told I think if she was left with only a dirt pile and some water she could occupy herself for hours. We fill up her wagon bucket with water and then she uses that to refill her watering can.

Then she carries it to the garden and waters the flowers. "Mommy, I'm watering the margins" translation = "Mommy, I'm watering the marigolds"

Notice that she really only waters one flower in particular - the marigold in the front corner of the garden gets more water than it ever needs (notice the puddle)

The beautiful garden! There was some truth in what the greenhouse staff suggested the deer are not touching (knocking on wood) the garden. Well they have nibbled at the impatiens but I should know better in my yard the impatiens seem to serve as bait!
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