A few weeks ago we surprised Brooke with a trip to the Shubert Theater in New Haven to see The Laurie Berkner Band We have come to love her music thanks to Noggin/Nick Jr, Jack's Big Music Show, and the DVD we got for Christmas last year. The Band does theme concerts & the current tour is a Pajama Party - so you guessed it off the girls went in their PJs. We had only told Brooke that morning that we were going to a Pajama Party - we left out the whole Laurie Berkner/Concert thing. Our ride there was uneventful (Paul & I sometimes struggle with Internet directions) and made our way to the theater. We dropped of our donation for the Pajama Program in the lobby and headed off to find our seats.
Brooke was quietly taking it all in and pointing out all the things on the stage, she still had no idea.
The lights went down and 4 figures made their way to the stage and took their places. The lights came back up and Laurie walked to the edge of the stage and started talking to the audience ....... the response was priceless, a gasp followed by a quiet exclamation "Laurie's herrrrrre!!!!" Brooke preceded to sing and dance for the next hour and 20 minutes to the music.
One of Brooke's favorite songs is "Laurie has a pig on her head", the audience was encouraged to place the animal friend they had brought along with them on their head, the girls were happy to comply.
At the beginning of the show there was an announcement about no video or still photography and I followed the rules for a LONG time, it didn't seem to stop several others so I decided to be a rebel and break some rules.
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