I am thankful ............
for Paul
for Brooke
for Kristen
for Storm (even though he can be a real PITA sometimes)
for Stott's Chocolate Cream Pie
for the smell of baby hair after a bath
for my favorite pair of jeans
that my parents, my sister and brother live close and that we like each other
that my husband has a steady job that provides for our family - even though the hours suck
for hot showers
for friends who would answer and come if you called in the middle of the night
for clean sheets - with really high thread counts
when Kristen sleeps til 5 am
for the Peapod man
for second chances
for homemade mashed potatoes with gravy
for the wisdom & guidance of my parents, 20 years ago I had no idea how smart they were
for fleece lined Crocs
for baby smiles, baby coos and baby toes
for the best daycare provider for our girls
for the smiles and giggles when we reminisce about Joe Ro
when Carol sends me lasagna leftovers
for online retailers and free shipping
that my parents host our Family Thanksgiving and Mom cooks EVERYTHING
for the experiences in my past which allow me to fully appreciate all I have today
for our home
for an honest and trustworthy mechanic
for hot coffee
for the privilege of working from home
for a steady paycheck
that we can pay our bills
that there is enough left over that we can give to those who can't pay their bills
for contact lenses
for Kohl's liberal return policy
for our health
for love
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