Eight months ago, Kristen arrived, hasn't that flown by? It has been an adventure and we are still trying to get a handle on being a family of 4. Some things take much longer like meals and getting loaded into the car to go somewhere. Other things like dishes & laundry are always waiting to be done. It seems like someone always needs a bath and more than half the time it is me! Our friends with older kids smile at us with a hint of "been there, done that" when we say that we're tired all the time. All that being said, we seriously couldn't be happier.
Kristen's last check-up was at about 7 months. She weighed in at a little over 15 pounds and was almost 28" tall. The Pediatrician said she looked great and he'd see us in 3 months. She was very brave when she got shot after shot at that appointment.
Kristen is a happy, happy girl! She cries when she is hungry or tired or sitting in some "cable". She sits up, rolls around the floor at will and uses it as her main mode of transportation. She eats 3 "meals" a day on top of bottles which she can hold herself. Kristen continues to be the object of her older sister's affections. The minute Brooke gets out of bed her sole mission is to find "Beautiful".
Happy 8 Months Beautiful! We love you more than you'll ever know.
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