
One Comes and One Goes ......

In 1997, my sister brought home her first "daughter", Madras Lee. She was the cutest and sweetest little thing and our family was instantly smitten.

Madras & Storm take a break

Sadly, earlier this week Madras had to be put down. Her health had been failing for some time, but this was all very sudden and unexpected. As you might imagine, Heidi, Steve and Garrett are devastated.

I wonder if Maddie sensed the happiness and joy that Olivia brought to their house and their family. If she understood on some level how much Heidi was hoping for this baby to be a little girl. I wonder if she felt like she could go knowing that Olivia might help ease their sadness and pain.

I wonder .......

In 2010, my sister brought home her first daughter, Olivia Judith. She is the cutest and sweetest little thing and our family was instantly smitten.

Its a GIRL........

I am pleased to introduce to you our new niece, Miss Olivia Judith Holyfield.

February 8, 2010
8:54 PM
7 pounds 5 ounces
19.5 inches long


Nine Months Old

The last night months have been busy for me...................

I spend some of my time jumping with my best friend "Butterfly" ... wanna see her?

I love to talk on my very cool pink and purple phone.

And the rest of the time, well I just look adorable


Go Red for Women

Heart Disease is the number one killer of women. The Go Red movement was started by the American Heart Association to raise awareness, today is the day that movement is celebrated.

Our girls Go Red

My life is made better by the many women who are a part of it. For Paul & my girls, my friends, my extended family and myself, today, I make the following pledges:

  • to personally exercise more (OK who am I kidding - this should really read START exercising!)
  • to teach my children the importance of exercise
  • to encourage healthy eating for our family

Will you join me and make your own pledge?

Learn more about the Go Red for Women Movement



Kisses from Kristen .....

Pay no attention Brooke's sound effects in the background!


Let's go swimming

Since Brooke loves the water and we happen to have a swimming pool in our yard we decided that we needed to think about swimming lessons. Necessity aside, it seems like a fun thing to do during a New England Winter. We started with a Parent/Tot class so Paul goes in the pool with Brooke. I went to the first class for moral support - no way was I getting in a bathing suit, in public, 9 months post-baby!

Brooke patiently waits to head into the pool.

They concentrate on the instructor's directions.

They practice kicking - check out those splashes!