
I am not a gourmet cook ......

I am not a gourmet cook ........ but I try. 

I've made it a goal, resolution, a mission if you will to learn how to cook.  I mean stuff that doesn't come out of a box that you just add water, eggs or butter to .... but really learn how to cook.  I'm all about setting realistic goals - so I have no designs on landing my own Food Network or Cooking Channel show - I just want to cook basic, delicious and mostly healthy meals that we really LOVE to eat.  I feel this is a good time to mention for those of you who are not aware of this, my husband does NOT eat cheese .... no seriously, I am NOT kidding.  He does eat pizza with cheese but that is the end of it - no grilled cheese, no mac & cheese, no deliciously gooey, melty Mexican cheese on burritos, enchiladas .... NOTHING.  Let me also point out that when we met I could cook about 1 thing (meatloaf) that didn't have cheese in the recipe. It still to this day amazes me that I was able to win his affection ..... (that's a story for another post too)

Its another little known fact that I DVR The Oprah Winfrey Show every day .... there are 18 episodes on the hard drive and I'm listening and sort of watching an episode right now. Some time ago Jessica Seinfeld was a guest on an episode to promote her newest cookbook.  That episode has changed the face of our dining room table - since then we have roasted chicken almost once a week.  Another recipe I learned on that episode is her crock-pot lasagna.  We don't have this as often as the chicken - remember that whole "husband doesn't eat cheese thing" ... but its my favorite dish to prepare if I need something to take to a friend's house.  I rave about this whenever I make it  ... we had it again Tuesday night when Auntie Cindy and Uncle David came for dinner. 

So here is what you've all been waiting for .... the piece De resistance'


If you're inspired to give it a whirl here's the recipe (with my customizations in brackets)

3 cans 14.4 oz crushed tomatoes [I usually use 2 28 oz cans]
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 containers fresh ricotta - 15 oz each [I use one large 32 oz container - part skim]
2 cups (8 oz) grated mozzarella [part skim or fat free]
1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese
12 lasagna noodles (about 3/4 of a 1 pound box)  [I use whole wheat pasta]
5 oz baby spinach
3 - 4 Chicken Italian Sausage links - cook ahead of time [I don't know if you need to but the thought of raw chicken totally grosses me out.  There is a name brand one I buy that says on the package it is already cooked, but when I buy the store brand I bake them in the oven first and then dice it up]

In a medium bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, oregano, salt, red pepper and black pepper. In a separate bowl, mix the ricotta, 1 c of the mozzarella and the Parmesan.

In the bottom of a 5 to 6 quart slow cooker, spread a thin layer of the sauce. Top with 3 of the noodles (breaking to fit as necessary).  Spread about 1 cup of the sauce over the noodles and layer with 2 cups of spinach, 1 1/2 c of the cheese mixture and 1 diced sausage link.  Repeat twice more with the noodles, sauce, spinach, cheese mixture, and sausage. Top with the remaining 3 noodles, sauce and 1 cup of mozzarella.

Cook on low, covered, until the noodles are tender - especially in the center of the lasagna about 3.5 - 4 hours. Serve with salad and garlic bread and enjoy!

This post is dedicated to my friend and co-worker May (she introduced me to one of my new favorite blogs The Pioneer Woman ) ....... I hope this helps you "picture" it.


Cindy said...

Howdy Heather! Just a note from Ree Drummond territory.......last year I decided I would make every recipe in Ree's cookbook. I am over 80% through the recipes and all are keepers!!! Her blog is my favorite and her novel is a really fun read. I got LCW hooked on the Pioneer Woman. Glad to hear you are now also. C

Mary Poe said...

oooooo baby - try the Pioneer Woman mashed potatoes - yummy and you don't have to tell Paul there is cream cheese in it!