
Snow Days

Winter was slow to arrive here in Southeastern CT.  Last week, things changed.  Snow overnight brought a 2 hour delay on Tuesday. A 2 hour delay in Morning Kindergarten means you don't go.  Off Brooke went to Jeanne's house - snowpants in hand.  They had great fun playing outside.  They read the book Sadie and the Snowman and then made the characters in the snow!!!

Saturday brought the much anticpated 3-6 inches that actually ended up being more like 10 .... we dressed everyone up and headed out.  Kristen couldn't pick up her feet to walk it was so deep.  I grabbed the sled and settled her in.  She loved it ... NOT!

This might have been right before she said "May I please be excused?" 

When Brooke joined in the fun she seemed to enjoy it more!!  We ran up and down the driveway and they took turns pulling each other.

 Today at school - Kristen was an old pro. Good thing I was finally able to locate her "Snowman Pants" late Friday night. Talk about just in time!

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