
It Really is Just a Number

Ten years ago this week I turned 30.  On Thursday, another birthday - you do the math. The number doesn't bother me like it did someone else who lives here [Paul] when it was their big day, it really is just a number. While the whole age thing doesn't bother me, it has gotten me thinking about the last 10 years a lot.

Ten years ago, I was divorced, living back home with my parents, up to my ears in debt, and wasn't really sure what my next move was.  All that being said, it still felt like it would be OK.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like it was me against the world .. I had the most supportive, loyal, generous friends and family you could ask for.  There was always an invitation to keep me busy, distracted and focused on moving forward. 

Then there was a chance meeting at a friend's 40th Birthday party ... which, come to find out, really wasn't much left to chance at all. Thanks Tom & Addie. It seemed like months later, but finally a first date. Then there was another and another.  Months later living together, then an engagement, a wedding, and a daughter.  Then almost 3 years later another daughter.  Promotions and additional responsibilities at work, friends moving on and out of our lives to be replaced with new friends. Ten years of mutual admiration and respect for each other.

When I got divorced, I always saw myself remarried, with kids, living my own little white picket fence version of the American Dream. The last 10 years were not always roses and lollipops and we have literally taken down every last piece of white picket fence in this yard (picket fences are overrated and a complete pain in the a$$ to paint.)  I can tell you the life that is my life today, at 40, is sweeter than it was at 20 or 30.   I never could have dreamed it would be this good.  In some strange kind of way, I am thankful for every tear, heartache, and experience that led me to the person I've become.   

May the journey to 50 be as rewarding.


Be Nice to Me ....

I don't care if your black or white, gay or straight, fat or skinny, short or tall, rich or poor. Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you ... its just that simple.

I stole that from a post on my Facebook News Feed and I'm sure that I've seen it posted there before but tonight, for some reason, it struck me.  It is sort of a casual version of "The Golden Rule", you know the one your parents repeated over and over again when you were a kid. It really doesn't stop applying when you turn 18 or when you graduate from college, one might argue that it is actually the most important thing you can remember as an adult.  Ever wonder what the world would be like if we were all just a little bit nicer? If people weren't so judgemental, close minded, or self centered?  Wasn't it John Lennon who said "Imagine"?

Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you ... it really IS that simple.