
Be Nice to Me ....

I don't care if your black or white, gay or straight, fat or skinny, short or tall, rich or poor. Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you ... its just that simple.

I stole that from a post on my Facebook News Feed and I'm sure that I've seen it posted there before but tonight, for some reason, it struck me.  It is sort of a casual version of "The Golden Rule", you know the one your parents repeated over and over again when you were a kid. It really doesn't stop applying when you turn 18 or when you graduate from college, one might argue that it is actually the most important thing you can remember as an adult.  Ever wonder what the world would be like if we were all just a little bit nicer? If people weren't so judgemental, close minded, or self centered?  Wasn't it John Lennon who said "Imagine"?

Be nice to me and I'll be nice to you ... it really IS that simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It really IS that simple. Good post.