
A Strong Foundation

foun·da·tion   [foun-dey-shuhn]  noun
1. the basis or groundwork of anything
2. the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.
3. the lowest division of a building, wall, or the like, usually of masonry and partly or wholly below the surface of the ground.
4. the act of founding,  setting up, establishing, etc.: a policy in effect since the foundation.

You might have heard, we're building a house and I am excited.  Yes, that probably means you are going to be subjected to numerous blog posts, conversations, texts, and phone calls where this very well might be the ONLY topic of conversation.  

It took a day and a half last week with 3 guys working in high heat and humidity but the forms were up and ready for concrete.

Tuesday was a big day here in Romanskiville - the weather cooperated and there were plans for a foundation to be poured.  I heard a rumor that there were 3 trucks of cement due in at 11 that morning.  The builder and crew arrived shortly after 7 and quickly got down to business. I am not sure what prep is required the day of .. but they were busy until about 10 and then they waited.  

At about 11:03 while I was sitting at my desk, working away I heard the tell tale sound of a big truck nearing the top of Case Street.  Then that familiar sound of the Jake Brake ... I spun in my chair to look out the window and there it was the first big red cement truck.  I'm a tad bit embarrassed to say, when that truck pulled into my driveway - I started to cry.  Not a full blown, meltdown, ugly cry .... just a few single tears fell from eyes that were brimming with several more.  Armed with my cell phone, digital camera and sunglasses, I made my way outside to watch.  Yes, watching cement slide down from the shoot might be the equivalent of watching grass grow to some .... but for me this was a once in a life time moment. 

Truck 1 starts .....

Truck 2 waits for direction

 It literally took my breath away to see these 3 trucks circled around those forms.  It was loud and the ground was literally shaking under the weight of those trucks.  Nothing short of awesome.

Almost as quickly as they had arrived, they were gone.  About 20 min later the 4th and final truck arrived ..... apparently 3 trucks wasn't quite enough.  

The next day the forms were stripped and stacked back on the trailer and there stood the foundation for Romanskiville - Rev 2.  

foun·da·tion   [foun-dey-shuhn]  noun
the basis or groundwork of anything; the act of founding,  setting up, establishing

1 comment:

Mary Poe said...

You know - Heather - I just realized... what a cool thing you are getting to experience. Certainly - hundreds of people have new houses built every day and they go by every day or every other day to see the progress - but you - you get to see it AS IT HAPPENS every day - outside your window.

You get the see all of the things that happen (good and bad) and literally watch your house being built from the ground up (well, for you - from INSIDE the ground up... lol).

How coooooooooool is that!