
Double Edged Sword

A few days ago a friend left a comment on my post that captured my take on the foundation of Rev 2 being poured.  Here's what it said...

"You know - Heather - I just realized... what a cool thing you are getting to experience. Certainly - hundreds of people have new houses built every day and they go by every day or every other day to see the progress - but you - you get to see it AS IT HAPPENS every day - outside your window.

You get to see all of the things that happen (good and bad) and literally watch your house being built from the ground up (well, for you - from INSIDE the ground up... lol).

How coooooooooool is that!"

So just about everyone who reads this blog knows that I work from home.  I have a big desk, complete with 2 computers, a 2 line phone and a stylin' new 4 in 1 Printer, Scanner, Copier and Fax ... the thing is sweet but that is a totally different post.  Here I sit, day after day and sometimes night after night working away in gym shorts and a t-shirt.  

So the upside of working from home when you are building a new house in your back yard is that you are there.  It comes in handy to pay people, direct delivery people to the spot they are to leave their wares, to be a watchful presence over the project.  I cannot be snowed by a contractor --- I KNOW if they were really here and for how long.  I do not need to drive by to check on what got done over the last few days.  I take it all in when I walk the dog!

So the downside of working from home when you are building a new house in your back yard is that you are there....the people need to ask you a question, collect payment or be directed to where to leave crap when you have just joined a conference call.  They also all seem to show up on the same day and rarely at the same time so the disruptions seem to linger.  It is loud - there are always voices, power tools, trucks ...

This 3-4 week period that we are in right now is BEYOND hectic ... so much has to be done in a short period of time to be ready for the sections when they arrive at the end of the month.  It continues to require a ton of organizing and coordinating.  Things have to be done in the right order or costs increase or there are delays.  I was losing track, so much that I had to photocopy a blank August calendar and start penciling things in.  I am fortunate, I have help.  We have appointed my dad the Project Manager ..... he might have actually appointed himself, but frankly, he had no competition and he knows his stuff ... so it is all good.

There is visible progress daily ... it really is amazing to think back to what our property looked like on July 14, just one month ago.  It is takes your breath away to see all the activity and progress.

There are some days that I wish I was sitting in the air conditioned Data Center and came home at 5 to survey that day's accomplishments.  Truth be told, most days I grin from ear to ear as I walk by the window and glance out at the commotion on the way to and from filling up my coffee.  We have been talking about, planning for and dreaming about this for years and it is appearing before my very eyes.

My dear friend was right ..... how cool is that???

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