
New Beginnings

Today is September 11 and believe me when I tell you I will NEVER forget that day in 2001.  I was in the throws of a divorce, living with my parents, trying hard to figure out the road ahead of me, then in the matter of a few minutes all my own woes and troubles seemed to instantly disappear.  I've written about that day before on Romanskiville, how that day changed me, for the better I think but still changed.

Last year we were expecting our new house to be delivered one day and set on the foundation the next.  Our original delivery date was "the last week in August", emphasis on original delivery date. We learned in late August that we were about 2 weeks behind schedule.  Early in September we get an email telling us the house will arrive in the afternoon of September 10  late in the afternoon and will be set on the found on September 11.  

"September 11" I thought to myself "Jeez why does it have to be on THAT day" I kept that thought to myself for 2 reasons really #1 - that was the day unless there was some freak rain or wind storm there was no moving it and #2 - I should be thrilled that my new dream home is getting set on the foundation and the date shouldn't matter.

The pieces arrived as promised on September 10, in all their "Oversize Load" glory complete with several escorts.

We took pictures, climbed up to look in windows, I could see the kitchen and the appliances.  It was AWESOME. 

The next day started early - the set crew and the crane arrived before 7:00 am .. the sun was still coming up.

The first 2 pieces were on before 10 am and it was starting to look like a house.

There were lots of people here that day, the builder, the set crew, my parents, my mother in law, Uncle Steve, my sister in law, brother in law and a handful of people stopped in to watch with amazement.  One particular person, a woman I met at church several years ago, a woman who has become a really dear friend, came that day to catch some of the action.  We stood together and watched for a while and then she said to me "I think its neat that this is happening today, 9/11 is such a sad day, but you, you're building something new, that you've dreamed about, this is your new beginning"  Ah, it really is all about perspective - isn't it? Sometimes you need to hear a fresh one. 

So today I remembered that terrifying day in 2001 but I also thought back to the day last year, when the house we talked about, dreamed about, scrimped and saved for appeared before my very eyes in a matter of hours. I remembered that day in 2012 and I smiled.  I smiled because it was a dream come true. It was a new beginning for us. 

September 11, 2001 might have changed me, but September 11, 2012 changed me too.

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