
Because You Just Never Know ....

Cancer SUCKS .. I know, I state the obvious. 

Over the summer of 2014 I traded texts with my dear friend outside of Chicago who continues to wage her war on breast cancer. 

In November, I went to a very well attended benefit dinner for my cousin's son, Jordan. A few days later he celebrated his 22nd birthday and then began to prepare for his next cancer surgery.

In January our little friend, Simon, began his war on ALL - Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. There is a benefit concert scheduled at the end of the month, on his 2nd birthday.

Sadly, my experiences, my stories, they are not unique....this is why I Relay.

I've been involved with the American Cancer Society and Relay For Life events for more than 10 years. 

I signed up for the Relay at Conn College on April 18th. 

April 18th is....was.... my grandfather's birthday. In 1990, while I was out of the country on a class trip he died...complications of his cancer. He has been gone a long time and I still miss him today. I really, really wish that he had known Paul and the girls. 

So I Relay .. for those who left us too soon, for those who fight on and because you just never know ...

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