
This is the Day .....

Yesterday was "Marathon Monday" ... I headed off to work in my bright yellow and royal blue Boston Strong t-shirt. I only sort of half paid attention to the Boston Marathon until 2013. I was contemplating picking up running again before the bombings took place. For some reason that was the final straw, I started again. I stuck with it for a long time and then I let circumstances take the wheel and it fell by the wayside. 

I saw a video clip a little earlier of Rebekah Gregory crossing the finish line, dropping to her knees and resting her head on the pavement. I cannot imagine how she must of felt .. running a marathon on a prosthesis. I'm pretty sure it wasn't something on her bucket list .. at least not 2 years ago. 

Have there ever been times in your life where you have made a conscious decision to face something head on, something that had a mysterious control over you? 

There are few that come to mind for me .... 

the day I decided to get divorced and the day it was final

the day I decided that I wasn't going to waste energy on the nay sayers, the people who would always have an opinion AND see fit to share it with me even though I never asked

the day I decided to not let "I got laid off" define me

the day I decided not being the first choice was OK

I think this woman who decided that yesterday was her line in the sand, her chance to heal, her time to let go of the past, to "Take her life back" is incredibly brave and strong. I think when she knelt down at that finish line, that was when she really began to soar. 

Bravo, Rebekah Gregory, BRAVO 

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