
Told You So

So yesterday was the "first day of school" and if you read the post you know how the day started off. One bursting with excitement and one in tears. Many wondered how the rest of the day went. 

I could just say "I told you so" 

Brooke's teacher was there .. just like I said

She had friends in her class from last year that made her feel comfortable

There were books at her reading level IN her classroom ... seriously these are the things Brooke worries about

Not one more tear was shed once she got off the bus

We've known her teacher for a long time, before she was married and before we were at Moriarty but Brooke loved reading the letter she wrote to the class where she told them about herself. 

I had sent her teacher a quick message earlier in the day saying Brooke left in tears and that I hoped she was not dealing with any of that.  Later that night, I got a reply "she was great, quieter than I thought" 

"Don't worry my friend that will wear off" I said. 

Trust me, her teacher can handle anything Brooke throws her way. 

Kristen came home and talked non-stop about her day. She had old friends and new friends and got to be the "demonstrator".

The highlight of her day was the chicken dippers (they are really just chicken nuggets, Mom) and the ketchup. 

They both ate HUGE dinners and polished off a big bowl of watermelon before drifting off while Daddy read a story. 

Day one, in the books, huge success..... I TOLD YOU SO


Back to School Again

Today was the first day of school. Last week, Brooke was super excited and Kristen was indifferent. She knew that her closest friends were not in her class and she was convinced that she was not going to have any friends. We all know what a crazy notion that is .. try getting a 6 year old to believe you. 

Monday night we headed out for the back to school barbecue and Kristen's teacher found us right away. She asked Kristen if she could help her find other classmates ... she started reading off names and you could see Kristen start to smile .. she was realizing that Paul and I were right .. she DID have friends in her class. That was the turning point for her, she skipped around all smiles the rest of the night. She even said she wanted to skip Tuesday and go right to Wednesday.

Brooke's teacher was not there for the barbecue and I could see the fear and nervousness creeping in. Paul and I said that we were certain she just had a conflict. Last year's teacher assured Brooke that she had seen her earlier in the day at training. 

Brooke is a worrier, it isn't her fault, it is genetic ... Paul and I are both worriers so frankly, she didn't stand a chance. 

Two weeks ago, I would have expected to shove Kristen on the bus and Brooke to be all smiles.  After Monday night, I could see a definite shift and this morning there were some sniffles .. from Brooke. 

All was well until the bus pulled up, one took off and I barely got the picture .. the other one.. well I got her to smile by saying "you don't want me to post a picture of you getting on the bus crying on FB do you?"  A smile through the tears and they were off....


We See You ......

Summer WAS amazing but I am ready for the routine of school, mainly because I am SO darned tired from summer. 

Seriously though, our girls go to an amazing school. The staff is so passionate about the Magnet philosophy and so committed to the education of every kid in their room. I have a 1st grader and 4th grader and I would have been happy to have my kids in the classroom of any of the teachers in those grades. 

I think the teaching profession gets a bad rap sometimes .... "those teachers have it so easy, they get the whole summer off" ... you know what I'm talking about - you've heard someone say it, or maybe it was you. 

If you've been in a public school lately you probably are NOT thinking that ... the paperwork, the lesson plans, and endless required professional development

Last week a teacher friend of mine posted a link on her Facebook wall. The title caught my attention .. "Dear Teachers, You're Not Fooling Me" ... It is a little on the long side .. but it is SO worth the read. When I read it I was reminded that as much as I want to be the best parent I can be ... their teachers, they have worked very hard to make this the best year possible. 

I'm the co-president of the PTO and I spoke briefly at tonight's back to school event. I talked about our first event in September, how to get involved and reminded the families in attendance that we are partners with the school staff. I read a small excerpt, modified slightly, from that blog post because it really resonated with me. 

"Dear Teachers,
School just started, and I’ll bet you’re wiped out and definitely a little lighter in the bank account; but WE see you. WE see how hard you’ve worked before the first day of school even started. WE see that you chose this job not to get rich or famous. WE see that you chose this job because you love it and the kids, and because you know that the sacrifices you’ve made, money you’ve spent, and hours you’ve dedicated outside of that building are molding our younger generation to grow up to do big things.
Wonderful Moriarty Staff, we’re in this together, and WE see you."

I am so excited for this year because I have so much faith and trust in the people that are helping my girls grow into those people who are going to do "Big Things"