
Back to School Again

Today was the first day of school. Last week, Brooke was super excited and Kristen was indifferent. She knew that her closest friends were not in her class and she was convinced that she was not going to have any friends. We all know what a crazy notion that is .. try getting a 6 year old to believe you. 

Monday night we headed out for the back to school barbecue and Kristen's teacher found us right away. She asked Kristen if she could help her find other classmates ... she started reading off names and you could see Kristen start to smile .. she was realizing that Paul and I were right .. she DID have friends in her class. That was the turning point for her, she skipped around all smiles the rest of the night. She even said she wanted to skip Tuesday and go right to Wednesday.

Brooke's teacher was not there for the barbecue and I could see the fear and nervousness creeping in. Paul and I said that we were certain she just had a conflict. Last year's teacher assured Brooke that she had seen her earlier in the day at training. 

Brooke is a worrier, it isn't her fault, it is genetic ... Paul and I are both worriers so frankly, she didn't stand a chance. 

Two weeks ago, I would have expected to shove Kristen on the bus and Brooke to be all smiles.  After Monday night, I could see a definite shift and this morning there were some sniffles .. from Brooke. 

All was well until the bus pulled up, one took off and I barely got the picture .. the other one.. well I got her to smile by saying "you don't want me to post a picture of you getting on the bus crying on FB do you?"  A smile through the tears and they were off....

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