

Last week, I spent a lot of time and energy on things that didn't matter. Things I had no control over. Too much time annoyed by people who can't or won't change.

Monday, I had lunch with a friend. Later that night I met with people who share an interest in bettering the schools in our city. 

Tuesday, Brooke and I started working on sorting the playroom. Time to offload some of the play food and things we've outgrown.

Wednesday, I spent quiet moments with my soon to be middle school girl, talking about next year, the book we both read this summer, what book we were going to read sitting poolside.

Thursday, we rented Hidden Figures and watched together over Iced Coffee and talked about the amazing women the characters represented. 

Friday, we sat poolside until the thunder and lightening forced us to the porch. We were super excited when our neighbors joined us to hang out. We laughed, joked, and reminisced about our vacation together in April. 

Today, started with a 4 mile walk with another friend and her chocolate lab. She is super smart and we often extend our route so we have longer to talk. Paul headed off to work and Brooke and I cooked - veggie egg cups, brown rice, quinoa, and dirt cups(can you guess who picked the dirt cups). Laundry is going and we're getting ready to hit the Rose Arts and head to the beach to listen to our friend's band play. 

I ran or walked every day. I made steady progress on a couple of things around the house. 

I talked to my best friend for a few minutes almost every day this week - which might not seem like much - but really was huge.

It really was a pretty amazing week. I just needed to readjust my focus.

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