
Let There be Peace on Earth

 #3 - I am thankful for the right to vote

This is my standard "thankful" on election day. I woke up this morning, already having voted, thinking about what a privilege it is to have this right. I vote every time I get the opportunity. I vote in primaries, I vote in every race. I think it is THAT important. I often think about the fact that if I had been born in different time, I would not have been allowed to cast a ballot. Because I was A. WOMAN.

I'm not expecting to know who the "official" winner is tomorrow morning or maybe even this week. 

It is possible that my candidate does not win. 

My final prayer this morning, before my feet hit the floor and my daily routine started was "no matter how this ends, let there be peace" 

A girl can dream, right? 

 #3 - I am thankful for the right to vote

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