We had lots of snow over the weekend and Brooke was really interested in getting outside to play in it. In case you haven't made a snow angel in a while, Brooke created an instructional video for you all.
She was only lured out of the cold for hot chocolate with marshmellows.
I am thankful
I am thankful ............
for Paul
for Brooke
for Kristen
for Storm (even though he can be a real PITA sometimes)
for Stott's Chocolate Cream Pie
for the smell of baby hair after a bath
for my favorite pair of jeans
that my parents, my sister and brother live close and that we like each other
that my husband has a steady job that provides for our family - even though the hours suck
for hot showers
for friends who would answer and come if you called in the middle of the night
for clean sheets - with really high thread counts
when Kristen sleeps til 5 am
for the Peapod man
for second chances
for homemade mashed potatoes with gravy
for the wisdom & guidance of my parents, 20 years ago I had no idea how smart they were
for fleece lined Crocs
for baby smiles, baby coos and baby toes
for the best daycare provider for our girls
for the smiles and giggles when we reminisce about Joe Ro
when Carol sends me lasagna leftovers
for online retailers and free shipping
that my parents host our Family Thanksgiving and Mom cooks EVERYTHING
for the experiences in my past which allow me to fully appreciate all I have today
for our home
for an honest and trustworthy mechanic
for hot coffee
for the privilege of working from home
for a steady paycheck
that we can pay our bills
that there is enough left over that we can give to those who can't pay their bills
for contact lenses
for Kohl's liberal return policy
for our health
for love
Brooke has a Dog on her Head
A few weeks ago we surprised Brooke with a trip to the Shubert Theater in New Haven to see The Laurie Berkner Band We have come to love her music thanks to Noggin/Nick Jr, Jack's Big Music Show, and the DVD we got for Christmas last year. The Band does theme concerts & the current tour is a Pajama Party - so you guessed it off the girls went in their PJs. We had only told Brooke that morning that we were going to a Pajama Party - we left out the whole Laurie Berkner/Concert thing. Our ride there was uneventful (Paul & I sometimes struggle with Internet directions) and made our way to the theater. We dropped of our donation for the Pajama Program in the lobby and headed off to find our seats.
Brooke was quietly taking it all in and pointing out all the things on the stage, she still had no idea.
The lights went down and 4 figures made their way to the stage and took their places. The lights came back up and Laurie walked to the edge of the stage and started talking to the audience ....... the response was priceless, a gasp followed by a quiet exclamation "Laurie's herrrrrre!!!!" Brooke preceded to sing and dance for the next hour and 20 minutes to the music.
One of Brooke's favorite songs is "Laurie has a pig on her head", the audience was encouraged to place the animal friend they had brought along with them on their head, the girls were happy to comply.
At the beginning of the show there was an announcement about no video or still photography and I followed the rules for a LONG time, it didn't seem to stop several others so I decided to be a rebel and break some rules.
Six months old
On Friday, November 6th Kristen was 6 months old. She's been eating cereal inconsistently for about 6 wks, but Saturday evening we started to introduce veggies. We're in that same food 3 days in row phase to test for allergies so we are still working our way through peas. She LOVES them!

Sort of looks like she can't believe the bowl is empty!
Sort of looks like she can't believe the bowl is empty!
Daycare Halloween Party 2009
NFA Homecoming 2009
Halloween was Homecoming at NFA, Paul graduated from there in 1985 and we try to make it every year. We saw some old friends and met some new neighbors. The weather was gorgeous - just a little windy but the girls really enjoyed the day and they were both great.
Daddy & Brooke enjoy the game, the marching band and collecting leaves.

Mommy & Kristen enjoy the game

Kristen was exhausted from all the excitement!
Daddy & Brooke enjoy the game, the marching band and collecting leaves.
Mommy & Kristen enjoy the game
Kristen was exhausted from all the excitement!
Kristen's First Halloween
Just another day in Romanskiville
Kristen's Baptism
5 Months .......
Kristen eats Rice Cereal
At Kristen's 4 month appointment we got the thumbs up on starting solids - well I'm not sure that I count rice cereal as a solid but anyway. We tried one night last week and it was not a pleasant experience for anyone - Kris and I were not in the mood. Last night we took a different approach and things went far more smoothly, in fact, she even started opening her mouth when she saw the spoon coming. We'll see if we have repeat success tonight!
Eventually she figured out how to keep it in her mouth - that was after this picture

Then she decided this stuff wasn't so bad

Before we know it, she'll be doing this herself.....
Eventually she figured out how to keep it in her mouth - that was after this picture
Then she decided this stuff wasn't so bad
Before we know it, she'll be doing this herself.....
Our Little Cinderella
For Brooke's birthday this year we planned many special surprises on our Disney Vacation. On September 14, we dined at Cinderella's Royal Table and had visits with Snow White, Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Jasmine, Belle and Cinderella. The food was amazing, the service was incredible, and Brooke was in heaven. She was chosen to be the "Princess of the Day" and led the procession of luncheon guests up the spiral staircase to the dining room. We were also photographed with Cinderella - this picture is sure to be one of our forever favorites.

Her special birthday dessert

The Whole Gang

Her special birthday dessert
The Whole Gang

First Day of School Together
Yesterday, Brooke and Kristen went to daycare together for the first time. I wondered how Brooke would be having to "share" her baby sister. I wondered if she would remember any of the daycare rules or routine after having been away for so long. The day at school was uneventful, just the usual playing, eating, napping. Apparently Brooke barely noticed Kristen was there.

Still hard for Paul and I to believe that we are a 2 carseat/double stroller family sometimes.
Still hard for Paul and I to believe that we are a 2 carseat/double stroller family sometimes.
Kristen goes to Daycare
Well we survived our Disney vacation and walked into the house a little before 11 on Saturday night. Yesterday we packed Kristen up and sent her off to Miss Carol's for the first full day (she spent a few hours there when she was six days old while I was at the ER for my spinal headache.) She arrived with smiles and stuck pretty much to her routine. The older kids loved having a "new baby" to spoil. Here's a pic from my cell phone, so not the best quality.

We were out the door on time again this morning full of smiles. The true test will be tomorrow - Brooke returns from FL today and Paul will have his first double drop off day.
We were out the door on time again this morning full of smiles. The true test will be tomorrow - Brooke returns from FL today and Paul will have his first double drop off day.
Birthday Presents
Monday was Uncle Bobby's birthday and Brooke was very excited to bring him his present. Uncle Bobby and Auntie Robin wanted Brooke to have her present (she turns 3 on September 3rd) before she went on vacation. Brooke leaves Saturday morning to head to Disney World with Gigi, Poppa, Auntie Judy and Garrett - she is VERY EXCITED.
Here's the birthday boy and girl posing for a picture

Here's Kristen, her usual mellow self, just hanging out

Brooke got a digital Disney Princess Camera and a Tinkerbell backpack with her name on it. The camera is soooo cool. Here's the first photo she took all by herself. OK, she needs to work on her photography skills. The beauty of it is that the photos are digital and you can just delete them!

The camera has this cool feature where you can "insert" characters into the photo as you take it, here are the princesses with my router for our internet connection and the fax machine in the background.
Here's the birthday boy and girl posing for a picture

Here's Kristen, her usual mellow self, just hanging out

Brooke got a digital Disney Princess Camera and a Tinkerbell backpack with her name on it. The camera is soooo cool. Here's the first photo she took all by herself. OK, she needs to work on her photography skills. The beauty of it is that the photos are digital and you can just delete them!
The camera has this cool feature where you can "insert" characters into the photo as you take it, here are the princesses with my router for our internet connection and the fax machine in the background.
I Love Ice Coffee
Last weekend when it was still hot and sunny, we spent Sunday afternoon by the pool again. As a treat I ran (well actually drove) to Dunkin Doughnuts and got large iced beverages, Ice Coffee for me and Grape Coolatta for Paul. Brooke was really into our drinks and not so into her watered down apple juice. Next time there will be a small fruit coolatta for her. We were able to pacify her by pouring her apple juice into one of the big cups when we were done.
In these pictures Kristen had started to cry. Brooke walked to the monitor, leaned in closely and try to calm her thinking it was a 2-way connection. "Don't cry Kris, it will be OK, we'll rescue you, we will" It was the sweetest thing ever. Of course the moment was over before I could get the video.
She looks SOOO grown up in these pictures.
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