Last weekend when it was still hot and sunny, we spent Sunday afternoon by the pool again. As a treat I ran (well actually drove) to Dunkin Doughnuts and got large iced beverages, Ice Coffee for me and Grape Coolatta for Paul. Brooke was really into our drinks and not so into her watered down apple juice. Next time there will be a small fruit coolatta for her. We were able to pacify her by pouring her apple juice into one of the big cups when we were done.
In these pictures Kristen had started to cry. Brooke walked to the monitor, leaned in closely and try to calm her thinking it was a 2-way connection. "Don't cry Kris, it will be OK, we'll rescue you, we will" It was the sweetest thing ever. Of course the moment was over before I could get the video.
She looks SOOO grown up in these pictures.
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