
Our New Friend

Two weeks ago, Brooke and I spotted a little baby deer in the backyard. "Where's its Mommy?" Brooke asked "He wants his mommy." Then almost as if on cue, the Mommy trotted into view from behind the shed. Brooke seemed relieved as they walked off together, "to snuggle" she said. I'm skeptical about the snuggling part but they did walk off together none the less. If you look really close in the picture below you can see the baby just to the left of the tree trunk and the Mommy to the left of the picnic table in front of the hammock. It was tough they came late that evening.

Last Friday afternoon as I returned to my desk with an ice cold Coke, I saw the baby out the window. Alone this time he, she , "the deer" was hanging out under the apple tree eating away. Now most of you know that seeing deer under the apple tree in August is NOT that uncommon, however it has been some time since we have seen one this small. It is also unusual to see them in the middle of the day. I was able to get some nice shots, gotta love that telephoto feature. The deer stayed almost an hour and has returned several times since then, always alone. Paul and I choose to pretend we don't know what that probably means......

Paul is contemplating using a lasso to catch the cutie and make him a part of our family. He thinks it would be fun for Brooke to take it to daycare for "show and tell". He has about as good a chance of capturing that deer and making it tame as he does getting a goat for a pet. Not in my lifetime!!!!

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