
Go Red ....

Heart Disease is the Number 1 killer in women age 20 and over.  Heart Disease kills more women then the next four causes of death combined. Today is "Go Red for Women Day" to raise awareness and last year on this day I devoted a blog entry to the event. 

I made some pledges that day last year ......
  • to personally exercise more (OK who am I kidding - this should really read START exercising!)
  • to teach my children the importance of exercise
  • to encourage healthy eating for our family

 Are you wondering how we've done on these pledges here in Romanskiville?  I'm happy to report (and sort of proud) that we have made definite strides forward.  We didn't get off to a blazing start in February it took a while to get going.  Last summer we swam, we walked, we biked every day on our Cape Cod vacation and we sweated off a few pounds on those days that were in the high 90's and WICKED humid.  Recently, we setup our Wii and I'm loving the Wii Fit Plus. Kristen and I do Yoga together in the wee morning hours.  I've tried to explain to her that we do NOT need to get up at 5:30 am, we would have plenty of time to get our workouts in even if we started at 6:45 am ..... we are still working that one out.
I cook more then ever and I'm not talking about frozen pizza, boxed macaroni and cheese or other dinner in a box concoctions .... these had been our friends in the past.  In the summer, we grilled almost every night and it was rarely a hot dog or hamburger.  This winter our new favorite is Jessica Seinfeld's oven roasted chicken.  Yup, I can actually roast a chicken and no one gets sick !!!!   The best part is that since I've been paying more attention to what we are eating, when and how much I'm 20 lbs lighter ... I still have some to go,  well a good "chunk" to go (no pun intended) ... but there has been significant progress.  

To learn more about the movement or get some great information on prevention, etc. Check out the Go Red for Women website.

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