
Best Valentine's Day Present ....EVER

 On Sunday, Feb 12 we saw Shrek the Musical at the Garde in New London.  I should tell you all that my family has a love affair with Shrek.  We have all four dvds, yes, there are FOUR.  We love it so much that the girls and I bought the The Final Chapter for Paul for Christmas and he bought it for us... thankfully the grown-ups in this house are pretty good with receipts.

We parked and made our way to the theater and collected our tickets.  We asked Brooke to read what the ticket said .. that was our big reveal.  "Shrek the ...." "Musical" (We help her out on that word) and we explain that we are going to see real people perform the story -- she seems intrigued and is filled with anticipation.  Kristen says "Shrek the Musical" and gets a big smile on her face.

We get down to business and purchase our souvenirs ... Princess Fiona ears and crown for Brooke.

And a Gingy - the Gingerbread Puppet for Kristen (editors note - the kid now HATES getting her picture taken and generally protests. The face = annoyed not scared to death... really!)

We take our seats and the show starts.  Kristen sits with her eyes and her mouth wide open in awe.  Brooke sings and dances in her seat the whole time.  At intermission, Kristen declares "It is SO awesome."

As we are backing out of our parking spot in the garage she says "It was so, SO good"

Today they are telling anyone who will listen to them about the show and the "best Valentines Day present EVER"

You can buy your kids expensive toys, clothes, and things and they love them and use them and then forget them.  When you invest in an experience, you give them a memory.  I'll cherish the time we spent together yesterday and look forward to the next big thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your time and the adventures that life brings are the best presents ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
