
Good Fortune

I take the health of my children for granted ... I try not to but I do. I try hard to remind myself their health is a blessing BUT ... I get busy working, cleaning, helping with homework, living and it slips down the list of things for which I express gratitude for. 

I know that not every family has this luxury. 

The Dziekan Family lives the flip side of the coin.   Almost 12 years ago, at just a few weeks old their daughter, Brianna, had her first open heart surgery.

She would endure 3 more - the most recent in the Spring of 2011.  Sprinkled in between 3 Cardiac Catheterizations and countless other procedures and tests. 

Things that I don't give another thought are challenges.  It took some doing to find an orthodontist who would take her as a patient because of her complicated health history.  If Obama's Health Care plan  gets repealed she will, no doubt, max out her lifetime medical benefit before she turns 18.  Other injuries that most kids rebound quickly from don't heal properly.  Activity has to be monitored so she doesn't over exert herself.  She has to be mindful to keep hydrated. Then there are the migraines, the pain, the insomnia .... it is an awful lot for a kid to process.  As her mom, Carol, is constantly researching new advances in treatments in addition to networking with organizations that provide support to special kids like Brianna.  Oh and did I mention that Brianna has a sister and 2 brothers ... something else Carol has to manage, the rest of the family.

There will be additional surgeries.  There are bills. There is uncertainty.  

On March 17, a benefit is being held in Brianna's honor.  The hope is that the funds raised from ticket sales, raffles and other donations will make a dent in the expenses that have amassed over the last 12 years and that there might be some to cover the next surgery.  Tickets are still available and raffle items still being are still accepted.

You can read more about Brianna at her Carepages Website

If you need tickets, have something for the raffle, or would like to make a cash donation, please contact Brianna's Mom, Carol at caroldziekan@yahoo.com or her Aunt Laurie at lsavino@charter.net

Good fortune, yes, we at Romanskiville are so thankful for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, as u know this is my life. It truely hit home reading your post as tears fell down my face! Thank you for your friendship and support!