
The Next Chapter

For almost 18 years I've worked for the same company. I started at the Helpdesk and over the years have specialized and taken on roles with more and more responsibility. It has become an increasingly stressful place to work .. more and more jobs are being sent to India, China, and other places outside of the US. There has been layoff after layoff and the senior leadership team has a revolving door .. there is a lack of stability that is unnerving. 

Tuesday afternoon I was invited to an 8 am call on Thursday to "Discuss Performance Appraisal" and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. I was out on Wednesday to chaperone Brooke's field trip and put the meeting out of my mind.  

Thursday, I called my boss and the conversation began ... "Heather, as you know XXX has been experiencing some serious financial issues and as a result there is a reduction in force and your position is being eliminated. Your last day will be tomorrow, April 25th"  There was more but you get the idea.

There was talk about the logistics - sending back equipment, shredding corporate cards, health insurance options .. blah blah blah.

I kept trying to tell myself that I had not been happy with my job and employer for a while .. so unhappy that in the last 3 weeks I had applied for 2 jobs elsewhere. I had spent a lot of time at night on my professional collateral - LinkedIn profile, external resume, reading trade publications, and reviewing and registering with online job search resources. 

Still .. it hurts.  I've pretty much had a job since I was 15 years old, suffice it to say, I have been working for a LONG time. 

I am optimistic that this is really for the best, that there is something amazing out there for me.  Something that doesn't have me counting the minutes until the time when I can logoff. 

I will miss the familiarity of the place and the people that filled my days for the last 18 years .. but I will not miss that company mandated flipping 9 digit passcode to get into my cellphone.

So tomorrow I'll get up at the same time, send the girls to school and Paul to work and then starting writing the next chapter in our fairy tale ..... 


Touchmytumor said...

I miss you already

Mel said...

Ditto, what he said.

Debbi said...

Yet another Ditto! Just happy to have FB and Blogspot to stay in contact.

Unknown said...

You will find life after this company will bring more happiness. I left after 12 years with them, as I just couldn't live with their business model. Employees were simply dollar figures, and no longer a cherished asset. Tribal Knowledge, camaraderie, and teamwork devalued. I have since discovered a company that values me for more than what I bring professionally. My boss and his boss both ask regularly about family, friends, and my running. Leaving a company, with so much history, is difficult. The market is tough, but it isn't impossible. Make sure you find a company that demonstrates employee value - end the end, this transition will be worth it!