
Madge Moment

Earlier tonight I was doing the dishes. The dish detergent that was the most inexpensive last week was Palmolive .. you know that original, bright green one that Madge used to exclaim "You're soaking in it" in those commercials in the late 70's and early 80's. 

When I poured it into the sink and got a big whiff of that I was instantly transported back to my grandparents house .. that big ol Victorian on Church Street in downtown Mystic.  That was "their" detergent .. 

For a minute while the sink continued to fill with water, I could see an image of my grandparents in my head and hear their voices as if I had seen them only yesterday. They have both been gone for a long time but they are never really out of my mind .. April 18th was my Poppie's birthday and my love of the NY Yankees was inherited from him.  He wore a beautiful garnet signet ring. He drank tea, all day long and the minute he stopped smoking, he started snacking.  There was always candy and nuts in that house. I know that if he had the opportunity to met Paul, he would have instantly accepted him .. even if he is a Red Sox fan. 

It's funny isn't it - how the smell of Palmolive brought all that back. I'm grateful for the memories and that the "original" was the cheapest thing last week. 

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