
I got "THE" picture

Today was the big day .. the FIRST day of school. Brooke started third grade and Kristen went to Kindergarten .. all day!

Last night we bought new school shoes and had dinner out, on the cheap, thanks to the gift card file and kids eating free at 99 Restaurant the day after a Red Sox win. [Wonders never cease]

The girls picked out which version of the school uniform they were wearing and I dutifully ironed all the parts. See Mom, I DO use that iron you bought me!

Brooke woke up this morning and almost immediately said "I'm nervous"

"I know you are. I am too. Want to know something else?"

"What?" She asked full of anticipation.

"Your teacher is nervous too" I said.

"She IS??? She questioned.

"She is, she has to learn all about a brand new set of kids and there are so many changes this year now that you are a magnet school." I explained. 

That was the end of her anxiety attack. 

Kristen was in our bed tossing and turning around 12:40 this morning.  She was talking in her sleep, kicking Paul in the head .. he left and got in her bed an hour later. 

This morning she woke up fairly easily and right away told me she was excited. We dressed in her uniform and she started down the hall and then, well then she broke down.

"Kristen, why are you crying?"

She made her way back up the hall, threw her arms around my neck and said "But I'm going to miss you"

"It is just like a regular day of pre-school. We'll pick you up before you know it." I assured her. 

She joined Paul and Bradley on their morning walk and all seemed to be fine. 

Jeanne, Poppa, Gigi, and I took a million pictures.  

Gigi and Poppa joined us for the big send off
Jeanne and the girls

We waited and waited and waited ... FINALLY the bus came.  

Brooke grabbed Kristen's hand, they headed off down the driveway and made their way to the steps of the bus.  

And then, well that is when the magic happened. The moment I had waited 4 years to arrive did just that. I got the picture of the faces (not the backs of their heads) of my two beautiful girls climbing onto the bus 


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