
I thought it would be easier

Tomorrow is the first day of school. YAHOO .. back to a routine. This year is a milestone .. both girls will be in school ALL DAY. I was filled with anxiety when Brooke went to Kindergarten in 2011, I just re-read one of the posts I wrote that day, you can find it here

I thought it would easier (for me) this time. I mean we know the principal and lots of the school staff.  We went to the welcome back barbecue last night and lots of people shook our hands and offered welcome back hugs. This is not our first rodeo. 

Kristen's teacher found the spot we'd chosen to sit with our dinner and introduced herself ... Kristen wouldn't even make eye contact, would not talk, would not tell her name, NOTHING. Brooke shared the entire story of our summer with her.  Talk about Ying and Yang.

My friend sent her little one to kindergarten on Monday and she said it was harder than when she sent her older daughter. She thought it was because she was "the baby". Jeez .. I hadn't even thought about that. This is our "last" first day of kindergarten. On Wednesday, both girls are in school, all day. How did that happen? How is that possible? Weren't they just born? learning to walk? starting to talk?

I thought it would be easier this time because we've done this before. Now that the day has come .. I'm not so sure .. I still have that knot in my stomach and when I start to think about watching her get on the bus my eyes start to glisten.  

We were assured that Kristen will be fine on Wednesday. I sort of believe that, I am pretty certain that once she gets on the bus she'll follow her sister's lead and never look back. I guess that means we are doing something right .. training them up to make their own way.

I thought it would be easier ..... 

1 comment:

The Skinners said...

Matt has two more 1st days - 11th and 12th. I have a knot in my gut too. Thinking about it makes me nauseous. And I'm not even going. I wish I could say that it gets easier ... some years it's not so bad and then they change schools or some other big change and it's the same knot all over again.
It's amazing to me how when you are the kid, you are so self-centered that you think that life is happening to just you. Parenthood changes everything ...