#30 - I am thankful for my husband
So here we are in the month of December and I'm just now getting around to writing my last "day" of thanks. I always save him for last because it is so hard for me write about him with out rambling.
Our relationship got a slow start .. like we met at a birthday party and it was almost a month before he called to ask me out. Once we finally went on that date though we never looked back.

From the beginning I could see what a kind and genuine person Paul was. He is the most loyal person I have ever known.
For years I worked in IT and he will tell you that he never really understood what my job entailed. I climbed the ranks and responsibilities grew - there were late night meetings, there were calls in the middle of the night, and sometimes I was summoned to on site meetings and visits. He took all that in stride - you don't have to understand it to respect it - and that he did. We never really talked about it but I could tell that he was proud of me - he celebrated every promotion and raise no matter how small.
We had both been married before. We both knew what unhappy and broken looked like, more importantly, we knew what it felt like. Twelve years after that first date .. we are as happy and as committed as we were then.
We promised this time would be different and he has delivered.
#30 - I am thankful for my husband